Dads! Here’s Why Your Wife Should Have Weekend Getaways With The Girls!

Life can be extremely challenging these days for parents – we have had to navigate our families through a two-year-long pandemic, political unrest and violence, and now the outlying threat of a third world war. Recent studies have shown that as many as 35% of American parents are unhappy with their lives. Among the additional factors that have created this situation are childcare costs, lack of paid vacation and sick days, and now the cost of travel.

As of writing the past two years has placed an incredibly challenging burden for most families - long periods of enforced isolation at home, separation from friends and extended families, and in many cases having to work from home whilst looking after K-12 children – all unfamiliar territory and obligations for most.

Statistics have shown that women have taken the brunt of stress and anxiety from the pandemic. They have suffered more than men from job losses, and over 60% have had fear of their family getting sick from the virus and nearly 50% are still stressed out about their family’s financial challenges.

The effects of the virus have alleviated somewhat, but it is likely that the mom in your life is still caught up in the spiraling after effects.

If you are one of the fortunate families who have ridden out the worldwide storm and have your affairs in order, then it is time to help your wife to take some self-care, by taking a break from all the madness; it’s easy to go online and search “fun girl weekend trips near me”, as there are a multitude of great options out there.


Why your wife should take a girls trip weekend getaway – the health benefits 

The science shows us that spending time together with a girls trip weekend getaway trip with her best gal pals can improve her overall mental and physical well-being. This is a way better option than her using a travel companion site.  

 Stanford and UCLA studies have proven the amazing benefits of female-female friendships and bonding. The time spent can cause a surge in the feel-good chemicals serotonin and oxytocin which help to reduce stress levels caused by cortisol.

“Research shows that women, [possibly] more than men, need to maintain those connections. It increases serotonin and oxytocin, the bonding hormone,” Alisa Ruby Bash, PsyD, LMFT. 

Women take their responsibilities as mothers, wives, caregivers. providers, we…and last of all, as a woman - very seriously and find it hard to turn those roles off in everyday life.  Many women are fearful about expressing their worries and woes with their husbands. Men know that women share their innermost problems or other drama in sisterhood with their best female friends. That time she spends will help your future relationship and family happiness.

Here’s why…  

As women grow older, a woman’s friendships become an important future indication of happiness and health – an even greater factor than the importance of relationships with family members. Research from Michigan State University found that friendships predict day-to-day happiness and how long we are predicted to live than both spousal and family relationships.

Tell her that you will miss her, and say that you do not want her to travel too far away, and you will help her to find 'girl weekend trips near me' so that you can stay in touch and help out if there is an emergency. She will love the fact that you care and are so thoughtful.


So, the message is “accept the science”! Your wife will be delighted if you encourage her to take a break, and instead of seeking companion–style trips, this will ensure that she will enjoy the close bonds that she will share with her friends by spending quality time together with the best girls getaway trips.