Educational Information For Your Singapore Student

If you’re an expat with school-aged children in the country of Singapore, you may not yet know enough about the educational system.  The good news is that your children’s minds will be in very capable hands.   

Singapore has a stellar educational system that produces well-trained, astute graduates every year.  Take a moment now to read through a little information regarding the Singapore education system, and become a little more familiar with what is ahead for your little student. 


The structure of education in Singapore 

Kids in Singapore go through preschool from the age of three to the age of six.  Primary school starts at seven, and primary school is six years of education.  All students are required to pass the Primary School Leaving Exam to progress in the education system.   

The PSLE makes the stipulation as to which path your student will follow as their education moves forward.  The paths include a normal secondary school, a specialized school, and something called an express school.   

Express school is a fast track that is completed in four, rather than five, years.  After secondary school, there is another big test to be taken that is meant to determine what pre-universities your child is qualified to attend. 


Tutoring opportunities for enrichment 

The strict educational standards set by the Ministry of Education in Singapore can be pretty tough on some students.  It’s not uncommon to need extra assistance outside of the regular school day to up your chances of scoring better on the Primary School Leaving Exam.   

The good news is that finding a primary school tuition specialist is easy.  You’ll have to pay for the extra service, but your child’s future is worth the added expense. 


Teachers in Singapore are top-notch 

It’s a tough road to becoming a teacher in Singapore.  The MOE only selects a small portion of the top third of high school graduates.  You really have to want to be an educator to make it as a teacher in this country.  

Teachers in Singapore are also required to take an additional 100 hours of training each year.  The country wants to assure that its educators are always at the top of their game. 


The cost of education in Singapore 

Though public education is officially “free” in Singapore, there are fees required for your child to attend.  The average cost of sending your child to school in Singapore is around 20 USD per month. 

Of course, if you choose to send your child to a private school, you will end up paying quite a bit more.  Private schools in Singapore are also free to set their own curriculum, so it’s wise to research a school before sending your child there to learn.