Expressions Dental Offers Emergency Dental Services

Emergencies, in general, have the knack for presenting themselves at times when we are the least prepared for them. Despite our efforts to be proactive about our dental health, emergencies may arise suddenly. Dental emergencies may often come at times when we are financially or emotionally unprepared. Sudden pain in your tooth may cause disruption in your daily activity of chewing. Dental emergencies are often warning signs that your underlying condition may be severe and demands immediate medical intervention by an emergency dentist.

Some common forms of dental emergencies where an emergency dentist may be required: -

1)      Trauma resulting from an accident.

2)      Infections due to dental disorders.

3)      Abscessed tooth which mostly impacts the root of the tooth and is often-times treated by performing a Root Canal Treatment.

4)      Bitten lip or tongue which is followed by bleeding or swelling.

5)      Dry socket may develop at times after a tooth extraction.

6)      Trapped objects which are not dislodged easily

7)      Toothache.

8)      Knocked out tooth due to an injury. In such cases it is advisable to preserve the tooth in milk and seek immediate professional intervention.

9)      Dislodged crown or loose fillings.

10)  Broken braces or wires.

Apart from this, emergencies could be any other dental disorder that needs urgent medical treatment so you will need to contact an emergency dentist. The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the dental disorder. Some emergencies can be treated in a single sitting while some need multiple sittings. During a dental emergency, your dentist will examine your current oral health and suggest the recommended line of treatment, its alternatives if any, why it is recommended, and the results of not getting timely treatment. In most cases, a dental x-ray will be required to understand the severity of the disorder before commencing treatment.  Timely intervention by a professional during a dental emergency may even lead to a lower cost of treatment.