Five Summer Activities For Kids Staying Home

School’s almost out, and summer is on its way! While kids pine for the carefree days of the season, they also get bored quickly. This can leave parents scrambling for ways to keep them busy and happy at home. Read on for a roundup of five fun and educational activities to enjoy with little ones this summer.

1. Take Nature Walks

Whether you live in the city, the suburbs, or the country, time spent in the great outdoors has a variety of mental and physical benefits. Before you set out, there are some ways to make the most of nature walks. For starters, let your kids lead. Letting your kids navigate the way helps them follow their innate curiosity while simultaneously building confidence.

If possible, leave the stroller at home and proceed on foot. This gives kids a chance to get up close and personal with the natural world.

And remember: Your journey will be much smoother without a timeline or set destination. Even if you don’t get very far, focus on embracing the moment and encouraging your child to soak in all there is to see, smell, touch, and discover.

Lastly, don’t worry about mud and dirt; that’s part of the fun! Instead, dress kids in comfortable, easy-to-clean play clothing. When you get home, toss them in the washing machine, and you’ll be good to go.

2. Become Collectors

Consider turning your nature walks into scavenger hunts. The world is full of many fascinating elements, such as leaves, stones and pebbles, pine cones, and more. Bring along a bag or basket and encourage your little one to collect as you go.

To add to the adventure, stock up on tools, such as plastic tweezers, magnifying glasses, and child-friendly field guides that will help them identify and examine the treasures they find on their journeys.

And be sure to have your camera handy. Not only do photos capture wonderful memories together, but they can become a collection — in and of themselves.

3. Create Your Own Obstacle Course

Kids love a challenge. They also love to run, play, jump, and explore. Creating an obstacle course in your backyard helps increase physical activity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Depending on the supplies you have available, you can design a variety of different types of obstacles courses, including water courses (think: pool noodles, baby pools, and water balloons), sidewalk obstacle courses using colored chalk (think: hopscotch with a twist), and even indoor obstacle courses that focus cultivating fine motor skills.

The only thing your kids might like more than tackling an obstacle course you’ve set up for them? Setting up their own. Give kids some basic parameters and let them design and set up their own obstacle course. Kids are ingenious — you'll be amazed at what they come up with.

4. Write Letters to Loved Ones

Bad weather doesn’t have to mean sitting around watching television and playing video games. In addition to the usual rainy day activities like finger painting, puzzles, and playdough, we recommend the simple yet sweet activity of writing letters to loved ones.

In our digital world, letter writing has become a lost art. However, if you’ve recently received a letter in the mail, you know just how special it can be.

Whether you’re writing to grandparents across the country or friends across the street, writing a thoughtful letter and dropping it into the mail teaches kids a valuable life skill while simultaneously spreading joy to loved ones near and far.

5. Take an Online How-To Course

From learning how to knit to acquiring tips on starting a business, the internet is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to learn a new skill or talent. Sure, you could go the academic course route, but we recommend exploring extracurricular topics.

Wondering what’s out there? Just type “learn how to” into your browser and watch it auto-fill everything from juggling and drawing to coding and investing in stocks. Depending on your child’s age and interests, this activity might turn into a lifelong hobby or even a future career!

Ask any child their favorite season, and “summer” is likely to be their enthusiastic response. Make this summer an unforgettable one by incorporating these five at-home activities into your plans.

Author Bio

Taylor Matthews  is a busy mom to two young children, Henry and Margot, and is your "typical small town girl." She and her husband, Michael, are raising their children in the same town that she was born and raised. Taylor received her degree in English and Education. She's worked with children in the school system before becoming a stay at home mom. These days however she can rarely be found "at home"! Between park dates and visiting her in-laws in Louisiana, she enjoys planning fun activities and parties for all ages of kids to enjoy! And when not planning activities and parties for young children, she's planning her next family vacation!