Every Thing For Dads

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Heart-Melting Video Of Awesome Spider-Man Dad's Birthday Surprise For Cancer Affected Son

After getting a suit specially made, Spider-Dad jumps from the roof of his garage and talks to Jayden Wilson in a near-perfect American accent.

This is the heart-warming moment a dad jumps off the roof of a garage and gives his cancer stricken son the birthday present of his dreams.

In 2013, Jayden Wilson was diagnosed with a Grade 4 Brain Stem Tumour and given just a year to live.

Dad Mike Wilson decided to do something special on his fifth birthday - and filmed his stunned son's reaction as Spider-Man turned up at his party.

After getting a suit specially made, the self-proclaimed Spider-Dad jumps from the roof of his garage and talks to Jayden in a near-perfect American accent.

Jayden then gets an extra special Spidey-birthday hug.

"When I saw his face light up as I jumped down, all that time and effort spent was all worth it," said Mike.

Both he and his son are huge fans of the web-slinger, and the super-dad says his big surprise could not have gone any better.

Image: DailyRecord.co.uk

Free-runner Mike added: "I felt so happy after I spent 30 minutes playing with him and his new toys 'as Spider-Man'.

"The whole family was there watching and even their faces were amazed.

"The kids had no idea it was me, as mummy told them daddy went to the shop to get a few things for Jayden's party.

"When daddy came home the kids went crazy, saying: 'Daddy, daddy, guess what? Spider-Man came to see Jayden!'.

"Jayden's face was so excited as it clearly made his day.

"He kept saying that Spider-Man came to play with him on his birthday."

The video has now been viewed more than 45,000 times on YouTube.