Posts in Dads Newsroom
Sleep Strategies: 5 Ways To Help Your Newborn Sleep Better

As a new parent, you quickly learn that a good night's sleep can be hard to come by. Newborns have very different sleep needs and patterns than older babies and toddlers, which can leave you feeling exhausted.But don't worry – there are some simple, science-backed strategies you can use to help your little one get the quality rest they need. Try implementing these five tips, and you may just find your family getting more shut-eye.

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First-Aid Fundamentals: 5 First-Aid Facts Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you have your own corporate space or operate out of coworking offices and collaborative workspaces, ensuring the health and safety of your team and customers is paramount. Accidents and medical emergencies can happen unexpectedly in any workplace, making it essential for business owners to be prepared to handle first aid situations effectively. Whether it's a minor injury or a life-threatening emergency, having a solid understanding of first aid fundamentals can make a significant difference in the outcome. With this in mind, here are five first-aid facts that every business owner should know.

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Ideas And Inspiration For A Quirky Home Office Set-Up

Working from home provides a multitude of fantastic benefits, not least the ability to improve your daily work-life balance. However, in order to be as productive as possible, you need to create the right area to be able to complete your professional tasks to the best of your ability, and even though sitting on the couch is great for television viewing, a home office is much more ideal for work. You don’t need to recreate the plain white, boring aesthetic of the workplace office to be able to be productive, and with this in mind, here are some great ideas and practical inspiration for a quirky home office setup.

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What Should You Do Before And After Laser Skin Resurfacing To Maximize Your Results?

For anyone looking for an effective way to reverse the effects of aging on the skin, providers will often recommend laser skin resurfacing. This energy-based treatment can make a person look years younger and create a healthier, more attractive appearance. As we go through life, the effects of aging, the environment, and our own lifestyle choices take a toll on our skin’s appearance. Sometimes the skin can look lackluster, and no amount of topical products are enough to effectively restore a healthy glow. Laser skin resurfacing is a facial rejuvenation treatment designed to correct minor flaws that at-home treatments can’t touch. The light-based strategy is highly effective for reducing wrinkles, scars, and blemishes.

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Streamlined Car Maintenance: Why Online Auto Parts Shopping Wins

Keeping the car running smoothly doesn't have to be a hassle. Gone are the days of spending hours sifting through aisles at auto parts stores, unsure of compatibility, or facing limited selections. Nowadays, more and more people are shifting to online auto parts shopping. In fact, a recent survey revealed a staggering 89% of respondents indicating they're more likely to buy auto parts online. We'll show you how the web empowers you to find the perfect parts quickly, compare prices easily, and even gain valuable insights from fellow car enthusiasts.

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Ways For Reconnecting With Your Partner After Drifting Apart

Do you feel like you and your partner are just going through the motions, or has your connection turned a bit stale? If yes, then it's not unusual. Sometimes, it does feel like you're more roommates than romantic partners. But since life gets busy, it's easy to forget to give your relationship the attention it deserves. Having said that, making time to reconnect with your partner is key to keeping your bond strong and healthy. Below are some ways to get closer to your partner after you've felt a distance growing between you.

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How To Make Your Loved One’s Day With A Gift Driving Experience

Finding an exciting gift for the car enthusiast in your life just got easier. Gift driving experiences allow them to get behind the wheel of their dream cars for unforgettable days tearing up race tracks or scenic country roads. Read on for top tips on gifting bucket list worthy driving thrills. Surprise that car crazy someone special in your life with driving days they won’t ever forget.

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Dad's Guide To A Healthy Relationship In The Marriage

Why do some couples live happily ever after, while others constantly quarrel and eventually split up? Is it possible to save a family and build an "ideal" relationship and maintain it? Are there any secrets or tricks? Here are the top 7 elements that are immensely important for a healthy relationship.

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Dad's Choice: Top 5 Inspiring Movies About Parenthood

Being a dad is one of the hardest and the most amazing things in the world. Parenting is a complex yet fulfilling process. Sometimes it is useful to look at the situation from the outside to realize and correct your mistakes. Hopefully, as a Dad, you will like movies on this list.

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From Fitness Passion To Profession: Begin Your Successful Career As A Personal Trainer

Picture this: You're at the gym, conquering that final set of squats. You glance over and see someone struggling with the same exercise. Suddenly, you're flooded with the urge to jump in, superhero-style, and help that person! Okay, maybe not the superhero part. But the urge to help? That's a common feeling for many fitness enthusiasts. And guess what? It can be channeled into a seriously awesome career. Yes, you can ditch the cubicle life and become a personal trainer, guiding others towards their fitness goals. But the question is, how can you transform your passion for fitness into a lucrative profession? Let's explore the steps to turn your dedication into a paycheck.

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Family Friendly Careers To Help You Create A Balance

Family always comes first in your life, because there are so many precious moments that you never get back. When your kids are little, you want to be around as much as possible so that you can soak in all of those wonderful memories. However, working for a living is non-negotiable so that you can provide your family with everything they need to live a happy, healthy and comfortable life. When it comes to finding a work life balance as a Dad it can be tricky to have it all, but there are a number of careers which can help you to find the right type of balance you’re looking for. Whether you’re hoping for great holiday entitlement or more opportunities to earn great money, here are some family friendly careers that might help you find the right balance.

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Starting A Business? Here's 7 Perfectly Positioned Industries That Cater For The Male Demographic

Learning to improve yourself as an entrepreneur is partly about understanding your abilities, but to truly thrive in any business industry is to understand where you are best placed. As men, we are, in many ways, part of a very distinct demographic, but of course, this is a very vast statement, and what we all need to do is, in order to sell a certain service, work out what our inherent male needs are. When you figure this out, there's an abundance of different options. While many people look to sell to diverse demographics, if you are looking to capitalise on the male market, here are a few industries that would be definitely worth your while.

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Targeting Problem Areas: Are Body Contouring Treatments Better Than Exercise?

In the quest for achieving a fit and healthy body, many people encounter stubborn areas that seem resistant to exercise and diet. These areas—commonly referred to as ‘problem areas’—are specific regions of the body where fat tends to accumulate and is difficult to eliminate through traditional means. Luckily, body contouring can help.” In this article, we will explore the concept of problem areas, explain their underlying causes, and shed light on why exercise might not be entirely effective for addressing them.

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How To Find The Best Deal On A Car In 2024

In today's ever-evolving automotive market, finding the best deal on a car requires a blend of research, strategy, and negotiation skills. Whether you're in the market for a brand-new vehicle or considering a pre-owned option, navigating the myriad of options available can be daunting. However, armed with the right knowledge and approach, you can secure a great deal on the car of your dreams. This article will guide you through the essential steps to finding the best deal on a car in 2024, from setting your budget and financial goals to finalizing the deal with transparency and confidence.

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Dress Like A Fashionable Dad: 8 Style Tips For Modern Dads On A Budget

Gone are the days when being a dad meant sacrificing style for practicality. Today's modern dads are embracing fashion with as much gusto as anyone else, and they're doing it without breaking the bank. Whether you're shuttling the kids to soccer practice or attending a work meeting, looking good doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. Here are seven style tips for modern dads on a budget that will help you maintain a trendy and confident look while juggling the responsibilities of fatherhood.

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Common Struggles Men Avoid Talking About

Historically, men have been known to be closed off about their feelings. Although they might not be very open, that doesn’t mean they don’t experience hardships in life. Instead, many have grown used to hiding their true feelings. Being able to understand the emotions driving a man’s behavior can be essential to asking the right questions and getting honest answers. An awareness of some of the most common struggles among men can promote a greater understanding of the difficulties they face. Continue reading to learn more about some of the most prevalent challenges men encounter throughout their lifetimes and how you can offer support.

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Common Symptoms Of Depression In Men

Men have typically been conditioned by society to not talk about their feelings, which often leaves them struggling in silence when experiencing mental health concerns. Although depression is the most common mental illness faced by men, it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. Further, because the symptoms of depression can vary between sexes, spotting depression may be more difficult without enough awareness of the disorder. Given that men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women, it’s crucial for them to have access to the support they need. Keep reading to learn more about the most common symptoms of depression in men and available options for treatment.

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Helping Your Autistic Child With Day-To-Day Life: 7 Essential Tips

Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comes with its own unique challenges. That said, it's essential to recognize that there can be hope, progress, and meaningful achievements along the way. As a parent you should thus do your utmost best to understand how to support your autistic child in their day-to-day life is essential for their well-being and development. Here, we'll take you through the essential tips and strategies to help you navigate the journey of parenting a child with autism.

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Global Perspective On Paternity Leave

Paternity leave, a pivotal aspect of modern parental policies, is increasingly recognized globally for its role in balancing work and family life. Unlike maternity leave, which has long been a norm, paternity leave has seen significant changes in recent years. This shift not only reflects evolving societal norms but also a growing understanding of the importance of paternal involvement in early childcare. Let’s explore how different countries around the world handle paternity leave and where the main improvements have occurred.

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Do Detox Smoothies Offer Real Health Benefits For Aging Adults?

Detox smoothies have recently become a hit across all ages, even with older adults. These drinks are packed with fruits, vegetables, and other health-boosting ingredients. They're said to clean your body out, help you shed pounds, and just improve health overall. As they become a more common dietary addition in senior living communities, it's crucial to examine the scientific basis behind these claims. Are these smoothies really healthy for seniors, or are they just another passing trend?

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