Home Maintenance Checklist: Items To Repair Instead Of Replacing

Home maintenance is important to keep the property in good condition. However, even with regular maintenance, you cannot prevent the wear and tear of a few items. Know that the items we are particularly talking about are garage doors, outdoor furniture, or window screens. These items are used every day and more frequently than other household items.  

That’s why the idea to replace these items when they become damaged is pretty normal. But, remember the general rule of thumb, “repair before you replace.” That means you must try to fix the damaged items before finding their replacement.


How To Repair?

Generally, there are two ways to repair something, i.e.,  

●     Get the right tools and supplies and do it yourself.

●     Get the help of professionals.  

If the damage is minor, you should consider fixing it yourself. It will help polish your skills while also saving money. On the other hand, if the damage is major and you are unsure how to fix it, consulting the professionals in your area would be wise.


Items You Should Repair

Below are a few items that must be repaired regularly. These will ensure that the house's security is well maintained and you dwell in comfort.

●     Garage Door

Your garage door is often exposed to harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and moisture. All these elements can cause minor wear and tear to severe damage. For instance, if you have a wood model, it might have cracks. The multi-panel door might have rust. In such a scenario, you do not need to get a new door. Instead, you should consult professionals to make minor repairs.  

Tip: To find the local professionals, use the right keywords. Suppose you reside in Philadelphia. In that case, use the term garage door repair in Philadelphia to find the experts. Make sure to read the testimonials and their services before booking an appointment.  

●     Windows

Be sure to check the condition of your windows, because heat gain and loss through windows can account for 25-30% of cooling and heating energy usage. In addition, it is said by some experts that energy efficient window replacement is a sound investment, because it will increase the value of a home, and can yield a return on investment (ROI) of as much as 85 per cent.

●     Window Screen

A window screen is made of thousands of holes, fixed together in a pattern. However, if you add more holes, the mesh will get damaged. Luckily, you can quickly fix this.  

Begin with trimming the torn part and creating a rectangular section around it (be careful not to hurt yourself). Get an extra piece of screen, and cut it in rectangular size as well. Make sure it is at least half-inch larger on each side. Cover the hole using this patch. You can glue it using hot glue or carefully weave the patch under and over the screen. That’s all! Now the window screen will be as good as new.  

Tip: If the patchwork is very evident, you can hide it by painting the mesh.  

●     Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture is exposed to harmful weather quite a lot. That’s why its paint fades away or gets rusty. To improve the condition of the furniture, you should repaint it every season. It is also a fun project to try with your kids. You can get spray paint bottles and rust-proof primers to restore the original condition of the furniture.



Repairing these items will help prolong their life. Moreover, it will help save more. Even so, if you have any queries, you should consult professionals. They can guide you about the fixation or replacement.