How Can Men Keep Their Bones Healthy As They Age?

Bones give structure, anchor muscles, protect organs, and store 99% of body calcium. So, keeping them healthy is highly essential. And that is possible with vital nutrients, vitamin D, calcium, constant weight-bearing aerobic activities, etc. 

Otherwise, osteoporosis- a silent disease, can occur. It is a disease in which the bones weaken, break, or get fractured. For many men, bone weakness significantly threatens independence and mobility with age. 

That is why it is crucial to keep them healthy at a young age to avoid further circumstances. How? We are giving you a solution. This article defines the key points to consider in day-to-day life for strong bones. 

Add a good amount of calcium to your diet

Adults aged 19 to 70 years should take 1000 mg of calcium daily. The dose increases for 71 and older men.

Calcium can be consumed in the form of soy products, sardines, almonds, dairy products, broccoli, and canned salmon with bones. 

Also, green leafy vegetables like kale and collards and easy-to-eat cereals offer a sufficient percentage of calcium. 

Include Vitamin D to fulfill daily needs

Vitamin D is one of the critical nutrients for absorbing calcium. Therefore, it is essential to fulfilling its needs as per your age.

Every day, men below the age of 70 require 600 IU of Vitamin D, and those above 70 need 800 IU of it. Getting Vitamin D is easy with supplements, food, and sunlight.  

Men can take this vitamin naturally from rare food like fatty fish, including salmon, mackerel, egg yolks, tuna, and mushrooms grown in UV light. Typically, milk, non-dairy beverages, cereals, orange juice, etc., are vitamin D sources. 

Protein for Good Health of Bones

Enough amount of protein is quintessential for the growth and strength of bones. Also, it is vital for men with osteoporosis or those recovering from an injury.  

Considerably, the BMD is a critical bone strength determinant. It is associated positively with protein intake. Any protein intake variation in the average range narrates 2 to 4% of BMD variation in men. 

A diet with a proper balance of protein intake despite vegetable or animal sources benefits bone health. From all, the collagen peptides powder made from animal collagen helps strengthen the bone and build up cartilage. If the men consume the powder by mouth, joint conditions and cartilage health improve.  

Practice Strength Training

Strength training is crucial for lower extremity joint deficiencies like hip and knee arthritis. Such conditions do not allow the body to perform weight-bearing exercises.

The experts suggest performing strength training. Stair climbing, dancing, jogging, running, or sports like basketball or tennis can be adopted. Initially, 10 to 12 repeats are enough to boost intensity and muscle fatigue. Breathing correctly and using proper techniques counts for higher benefits with less risk. 

However, for severe bone and muscle issues, the experts suggest getting consultation from a fitness specialist before beginning the challenging training program. 

Avoid smoking and drinking aggressively

Break your bad habits. Loss or weakness of bone density is highly linked to extreme alcohol and smoking intake. Hence, the expert's advice on limiting or avoiding it. 

Otherwise, it can lessen peak bone mass and higher the chances of fractures. Getting a piece of advice from health experts also works best if you are addicted to smoking and drinking. 

Let's Wrap it Up

With age, many health conditions arise. Lessening bone density is one of them. 

Taking the right help, consuming nutritional food and supplements, and practicing exercises are paramount. 

Through this article, we put forth the best ways men can keep their bones healthy. Is there any tip you would like to share with us? Let us know your opinions.