How Local Clinics Are Adapting During the Pandemic

  • Local clinics are adapting to the pandemic by offering telehealth services and utilizing patient portals to ensure safety and convenience for staff and patients.

  • Safety measures such as temperature checks upon entering the office, social distancing, and decreased contact between staff and patients have been implemented.

  • Local clinics have access to improved diagnostics, such as rapid and PCR tests, to detect potential cases.

  • Staffing challenges can be addressed through online job boards, remote working, and third-party recruiters.

  • By taking these steps, local clinics can continue to provide quality care during these unprecedented times.

The global pandemic has upended many aspects of our lives, including how we access healthcare. For small local clinics and medical providers, this has meant making difficult decisions regarding how to continue providing services while ensuring their staff's and patients' safety. Here's a look at some of the ways local clinics are adapting during these uncertain times.

Going Digital

One of the most significant changes many local clinics have adopted is offering telehealth services. Telehealth is a type of remote healthcare where patients can consult with doctors over video or phone instead of making an in-person appointment. As a result, Telemedicine services have increased compared to before the pandemic.

These days, many clinics have implemented digital solutions to enable their staff to provide virtual consultations easily and securely. Not only does this allow them to maintain social distancing standards, but it also allows them to serve more patients without sacrificing quality or convenience.

In addition, many local clinics have begun utilizing patient portals that allow people to book appointments online, view test results, and even receive prescriptions electronically. This makes it easier for staff and patients as they don't need to worry about coordinating paperwork or handling sensitive documents in person.    

Safety Precautions

While local clinics need to adapt technologically, they also need to ensure that their physical locations are safe for everyone involved. To do this, they have implemented a variety of precautions such as temperature checks upon entering the office, enforcing social distancing protocols, requiring masks at all times inside the building (even if you've been vaccinated), frequent sanitization of all surfaces and equipment, and minimizing contact between staff members and patients whenever possible.

By taking these steps seriously and following best practices for infection control, these businesses can help ensure that their patients remain safe throughout their visit.

Improved Diagnostics

The COVID-19 virus is a complex and ever-evolving pathogen, and local clinics are doing their best to stay up to date with the most advanced diagnostics. Many of these smaller providers now have access to rapid testing, PCR tests, and other tools designed to identify potential cases and get patients into treatment as soon as possible. Here are two ways to take advantage of these improved diagnostic tools.

Contact Your Supplier

Having the right supplier can make a difference for your clinic. Contact a diagnostic equipment supplier and ask about the latest offerings for testing and analyzing specimens. Make sure you ask about cost, accuracy, and turnaround time to get the best match for your clinic's needs.

Keep Updated With Improvements

You should also read medical journals and research regarding diagnostic equipment. By doing this, you can stay up to date with the latest developments in testing and analysis, which can help ensure that your clinic is equipped with the best possible technology.

Staffing Challenges

There is an ongoing staffing challenge in the field of healthcare. The staffing challenges that local clinics are facing are twofold. On the one hand, many healthcare workers are afraid of contracting COVID-19 themselves or bringing it home to their families, so they're reluctant to come to work.

On the other hand, some clinic staff members have been furloughed due to budget cuts caused by reduced patient visits and lost revenue from canceled elective surgeries. To make matters worse, many clinic staffers also lack adequate PPE (personal protective equipment). Thankfully, there are options for dealing with these staffing challenges during the pandemic.

Online Job Boards

If you want your clinic to be able to handle the influx of new patients, you can use online job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn to find qualified applicants quickly and easily.

Remote Working

Another option is to utilize remote working when possible. This means allowing certain staff members unable or unwilling to come into the office safely, such as those with underlying health conditions, to work from home instead. This can help ensure that your clinic has the necessary staff members without putting anyone at risk of contracting the virus.

Third-Party Recruiters

Recruitment services can also be a great help in finding qualified staff. These services can provide access to pools of potential employees that you wouldn't be able to see through traditional job postings.

The global pandemic has created many challenges for local clinics. However, these businesses can still succeed by adapting their services and taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of their staff and patients. By following the tips outlined above, local clinics can continue to provide quality care during these unprecedented times.