How To Create A Cleaning Routine For Your Busy Schedule

Do you have trouble finding enough time to clean around the house with all that’s going on in your life right now? We can relate. Being a father isn’t easy. And if you also happen to be a single parent in a busy city like Houston, Texas things can get even more complicated. With record-breaking demand for residential homes in that city, house cleaning Houston is a great idea to keep your home in pristine condition and maximize its value.

However, it’s not as dark as it might seem once you start practicing some healthy habits. As a father, you can always ask your family for help. Raise your kids right and they’ll make for great cleaning assistants in no time. Without further ado, let’s get to some basic tips:


Create a Chore System 

Even the hardest tasks become significantly easier once you create a homogenous system of priorities and collaboration. You should consider ranking chores from the most important all the way to the ones that you can leave to someone else in the family or those where you might need to hire someone else to do the job.

Here’s a simple schematic that will help you prioritize your chores more effectively. Make a table with columns ranging from A to E, with A being important chores and E being the chores you can eliminate by hiring someone else. Under each column, place the appropriate chores as follows:

A: chores that are extremely important and need to be done by you specifically

B: chores that you should do as a formality but that can also be done by someone else if needed

C: chores that you should do but won’t cause any fuss if you leave them for another time or to someone else

D: chores that you can give to other people with ease

E: chores that you can completely eliminate off your list by hiring a cleaning lady, plumber, or another type of professional such as Mya Cleaning Services depending on the task at hand


Get Your Spouse to Help Out 

If you’re married or live with a concubine and they’re not exactly helpful around the house, you can use the above-mentioned method to convince them to go along with your plan. After all, if you leave the easier tasks up to them and you take care of the harder ones, they’ll be more inclined to help you out.

If you want to go into more detail about convincing your spouse to partake in household chores, you can use the A-E-I-O-U Model of Managing Conflict. It’s by far one of the best psychological tactics that bring forth peace and understanding in any relationship, especially if we’re talking about romantic ones.

 Teach Your Children How to Do Basic Tasks 

Depending on their age, children can be more than helpful around the house. For instance, if your child has passed the age of 12, they can easily operate a dishwasher on their own. Just be sure to teach them about safety and how to approach the task properly without risking injury.

And to avoid a repeat of what happened during 2018 with the infamous Tide Pod Challenge, you should focus on getting the eco friendly dishwasher pods that come with safety instructions and less toxic ingredients.


Final Thoughts 

If you follow these steps, you can be sure that you’ll have a much easier time doing household chores. And what’s best, you’ll have more bonding opportunities with your family as you help each other out.