How To Have Adrenaline Filled Fun With Your Kids

One of the best parts about having kids is that you get to relive your own youth doing all of the fun activities you loved so much growing up. But, instead of going out doing all kinds of crazy and adventurous things you did with your childhood friends, you now get to make fun filled memories with your family instead. 

While a lot of people associate the world ‘adrenaline’ with crazy adult adventure sports such as sky diving, bungee jumping, and paragliding, that’s not a very accurate description. Any activity that gets your heart racing and a big smile plastered across your face, counts as an adrenaline sport in my book.  

In its most simple essence, the most fundamental sports at their core are designed to raise adrenaline levels beyond that of everyday life. For middle school kids this can come from beating their friends in a foot race, or completing a great catch they never thought they could make.  

With this in mind it's always great to push yourself and those around you to see where your comfort levels do lie and just how fast you can go or how adventurous you can be.  

Thrill seeking is something that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and is especially nice to have adrenaline filled fun with your kids. There are many things out in the world to experience that will have both your heart racing like a freight train, and in this article we’re going to explore some of my favorites.


Theme Parks 

Who doesn’t love screaming at the top of their lungs as they hurtle through the air at all kinds of speeds? Theme parks are a fantastic place to have some adrenaline filled fun with your kids. Most cater for kids of all ages (and stomachs), and is a nice way to spend time together.


Go Karting 

Flying around in a little speed machine such as a go kart is super fun for people of all ages. Grab some cones and a stopwatch, find an empty space, and set up your very own time trials. You could even do prizes for those with the fastest lap.If you want to even take things up a notch, why not visit your local track?



Provided the weather is warm enough, why not consider taking the kids to the water rafting style? Most places have tailored sessions that are great for kids of all ages. Even if your younger ones aren’t quite big enough for the white water courses they can often join in later when the rapids are calmer.


Quad Biking 

Another thrilling activity to enjoy with the kids is quad biking. These things are great fun and even the kids’ ones are surprisingly quick. Whether you decide to go to a dedicated quad center where you can hire one or you go and get your own is down to you. Quad bikes are slightly different from off road go karts so be sure to do your research before you head out the door but whatever you choose will be great fun for the whole family. So saddle up, grab the kids, and get ready to feel the speed.


I hope you enjoyed the above article and now have many adrenaline-filled ideas buzzing around your head as to where you can all go and make some great action-packed memories. But above all, just remember to enjoy the time you have with your kids. Time flies by and these moments really are once in a lifetime.