How To Make Sure Your CBD Oil Is Worth The Money

The cannabis and hemp-derived cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, thanks to its impressive medicinal and therapeutic potential with relatively negligible to nonexistent side effects. Backed by scientific and medical research (as well as several celebrity endorsements), CBD has become an industry worth $22 billion and growing. But are there drawbacks to such rapid success in a currently under-regulated market?

Unfortunately, where there’s money to be made, there are enterprises willing to cut corners in order to get ahead — making sub-par or outright counterfeit products and preying on low-information consumers. Whether it’s designer handbags, celebrity branded sneakers or now even CBD, paying market prices for knockoff products can produce anything from embarrassing to life-threatening results.

While reputable CBD suppliers like make online purchases easy and safe, shopping in person is another matter entirely. In this post, we go over how to ensure your CBD is the real deal by knowing how to spot a fake, why substandard CBD is dangerous, and how to shop for quality CBD at brick-and-mortar stores.


The Dangers of Buying Counterfeit or Low-Quality CBD

Between December 2017 and January 2018, the CDC reported at least 52 people poisoned by fake CBD products in Utah, with 31 requiring emergency room treatment. According to mtltimes, the poisoning outbreak was caused by spuriously-labeled products, which primarily contained synthetic cannabinoids like 4-cyano cumyl-binaca (4CCB) instead of any actual CBD.

According to the CDC, and the poisoning symptoms included severe nausea, vomiting and seizures — none of which have ever been linked to CBD, but ironically are all conditions it’s commonly used to treat. Later in 2018, the synthetic cannabinoid 4CCB was listed as “a cause or contributor” to no less than 11 fatalities in Europe by the World Health Organization.


How to Spot Fake or Substandard CBD Products: Our Top 3 Tips

There are many ways to ensure you’re getting your money’s worth when buying CBD products. Here are three tips to make sure you get it right every time, in no particular order:

1.       It’s worth remembering that hemp seed oil is not CBD. Some unscrupulous sellers work to blur the line between hemp-derived CBD and oil extracted from hemp seeds, which do contain some vitamins and minerals, but virtually no cannabinoids. First-time CBD shoppers are often taken in by intentionally confusing or deceptive product descriptions, and wind up paying CBD prices for CBD-free products.

2.       CBD is incredibly versatile; you can dab it, eat it, rub it in or even vape it. The one thing you can’t do with CBD is make it cheap. Consider the price — mass producing quality CBD requires dedicated facilities, and entails complex chemical and machine isolation processes that certainly aren’t inexpensive. If you encounter what looks to be a premium product with a price that’s too good to be true, it probably is.

3.       The company says it all, whether it wants to or not. Legitimate CBD product manufacturers readily list the recommended dosage, contents and concentrations of their formulas right on their labels instead of claiming to use “proprietary blends.” Their farming, extraction and manufacturing practices will also be openly stated on their website — without typos, out-of-context idioms or other signs of outsourced English. They’ll provide a properly-formatted company address on product packaging and be either FDA or TSA-certified. In short, if the company selling you CBD isn’t appropriately informative or transparent, consider them accordingly.


Where & How to Buy Quality CBD Products

As with anything currently for sale, your chances of buying a genuine product depend largely on where and how you purchase it. The critical best practices worth committing to memory revolve around location and payment. For instance, it’s best to purchase your CBD from licensed dispensaries and businesses with their operating permits readily visible on site, instead of purchasing via independent listings on Craigslist or arranging meet-ups. Moreover, you can also find coupons like cheef botanicals coupon to save a huge amount of money when you purchase.

When purchasing CBD online, (click here for instance) do so from a reputable business’ website instead of person to person (p2p) sites like eBay. It’s also a good rule of thumb to never pay for anything online using cryptocurrency unless you’re dealing with friends and family. Finally, if you notice a retailer using promotional or branding stickers to obscure the expiry or “best by” dates on the products lining their shelves, you’re better off buying elsewhere.

By taking note of quality, composition and authenticity before purchasing, you’re guaranteed a CBD product that’s well worth the money every time.

Editors Note: This article is intended for readers 21 years and over, and is not to be construed as as medical advice. You are advised to consult a medical professional before acting on any of the voews expressed herein