How To Maximize Satisfaction From Male Breast Reduction

It’s not easy to hit the beach when you have to compete with superhero sculpted standards. It certainly does not help if you are one of the many men dealing with excess breast tissue—or, as it is more commonly known, “man boobs.” Luckily, there’s never been a better time to sculpt a more traditionally masculine chest than now. Male breast reduction surgery is an ideal way for many patients to get closer to the beach bod they’ve been longing for. In the past, going under the knife for the sake of one’s appearance would be considered scandalous, especially for a guy trying to preserve his manly image. In today’s inclusive society, however, men can and should be encouraged to feel more comfortable in their bodies. That’s why cosmetic surgery experts in St. Louis at West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University offer these recommendations to make the most of a male breast reduction.


Identify and Treat Root Causes

Before you undergo a male breast reduction procedure, you should address any underlying causes. After all, the procedure will be pointless if the appearance of breasts just comes back right away. The best way to understand the source of your excess breast tissue is to consult with your doctor. While some cases might make the problem easy to identify, others may take some time to find and resolve. For example, recent and rapid weight gain might be an obvious problem, whether it was a result of diet and reduced exercise or the side effects of a new medicine. Other causes, such as a hormonal imbalance, could require help from an endocrinologist to discover and treat. Although gynecomastia (excessive breast tissue) is harmful to your self-esteem, the other facets of a hormonal balance could be more serious. Once you’ve beaten your male breasts at their source, you are on your way to a successful reduction!


Consider Complementary Procedures

While a breast reduction might be the reason you consider cosmetic surgery, that’s not the only life changing option available to men. There are many other procedures designed to restore the confidence of guys of all ages. So long as you are getting rid of the weight on your chest, why not some around the midsection? Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries today, and for good reason. If you live an active life and work out but just can’t seem to beat the beer gut, liposuction can help level the playing field. Or, perhaps you have lost a lot of weight on your own, but are now left with loose or baggy skin as an unflattering reminder of your hard work. There is a wide array of body contouring treatments to get rid of that excess skin so that you can look as toned as possible. However, many adjustments you decide to make, it is a good idea to work with your physician and plan them together to maximize your results and minimize your recovery time.


Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A universal but nonetheless important tip for a successful male breast reduction is to create and maintain healthy daily habits. While recovering from your procedure, this means plenty of rest and avoiding any over-strenuous activities. Later on, regular exercise can increase blood flow to aid in the healing process and eventually strengthen your chest tissue. To fuel all that healing and muscle building, patients should follow a smart diet. A regimen high in protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables is typical, but each body is different. Your doctor or a dietician can help make sure you get the nutrients you need for both your recovery and long term health.


Learn More

If you are looking for more information about male breast reduction surgery or perhaps one of the complementary surgeries mentioned here, consider reaching out to West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University. Their practice can be reached by phone at (314) 996-8800, or by filling out an online contact form to schedule a consultation.