How To Prevent Baldness?

Hair loss is an inevitable situation for every man. Although it is perfectly normal at old age, if for some reason, it happens earlier than you think, then it’s a major problem.

It is important to distinguish the reason for hair loss. It is advised to consult with your dermatologist as soon as you notice hair fall. Differentiating your normal hair loss from androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness) is also important.

Men suffering from androgenic alopecia can begin seeing the signs from their early teens or early 20’s. At first, hairline starts to recede and then gradually converts into full M or V-shaped baldness. Eventually, all your hair is gone. That is why it is important to consult with your dermatologist during the early days.

There are some steps and measures you can take to treat hair loss. These remedies are varied, some of which are relatively inexpensive and simple to implement; they include medications, multivitamin intake, protein intake, essential oils, diet and hair care, etc.


Although there is no permanent cure for male pattern baldness, minoxidil and finasteride are safe and effective treatments for the condition. These drugs can slow down hair loss and eventually stop it. But they do not cure it permanently. It is said that high dosage can cause hair to grow but it is not a hundred percent confirmed.


Minoxidil is more effective for men under the age of 40. It is most effective if you start to use it at early signs of hair loss. However, nothing is permanent. Once you stop taking it, your hair will start to fall again.


    Finasteride is sold under brand names of Proscar and Propecia. Finasteride (Propecia) is used to treat male pattern hair loss.


Vitamins are essential nutrients for our body. They help with a lot of things including hair growth. Following are some vitamins that help with hair loss prevention:

  • Vitamin A:

    Studies show that vitamin A deficiency can cause hair loss. Vitamin A helps produce sebum, which moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair healthy.

    Diets that include Vitamin A are sweet potatoes, black eye peas, broccoli, spinach, mango, beef liver, etc. However, too much vitamin A can cause hair loss.

  • Biotin:

    Biotin, also called vitamin H and vitamin B, helps prevent hair loss.

    Diets that contain Biotin are egg yolks, almonds, mushroom, sweet potato, etc. It should be noted that even if it does help in preventing hair loss, it does not promote new hair formation.

    Excessive biotin can result in hair loss.


Our hair is made of a protein called keratin. Keratin helps strengthen hair and helps prevent hair loss. You can use keratin shampoo or eat a diet rich in protein, such as eggs, lean meat, yogurt, cheese, oats, broccoli, etc.


Taking care of your hair is also important. Other methods like

  • Regular washing and using hair-healthy products.

  • Switching your diet to proteins and vitamins enriched diet.

  • Using herbal oils like coconut oil, tea tree oil, etc. can also help strengthen your hair.

  • You can also turn towards hair transplant and other treatments like Scalp Micropigmentation.

Note: Use of any medicine should not be done without consulting a physician.