How To Showcase Your High School Diploma In Subtle Ways?

According to statistics, approximately 1.2 million students drop out of high school every year in the US. While 25% of the freshmen fail to graduate due to high levels of stress. Therefore, it’s not wrong to say that your high school diploma is one of the significant achievements of your life and proof of your hard work. So, you must not hesitate to display your certificate in the house.  

But the question is- Where can you display your diploma to make it look subtle? Below are a few ideas that you can try to showcase your accomplishment without bragging!


On Your Desk

The space over your study or working desk is one of the most suitable places where you can display your certificate. It will remind you about the accomplished milestone and inspire you to stay determined towards your goals. You can also decorate the desk with other graduation gifts that you might have received. Some other fun ideas to display your certificates on your desk are:  

●     Keep the certification in a shadow box or floating glass display along with the graduation tassel.

●     Display a copy at work along with other certificates.

●     Place pictures of your school friends along with the diploma copy.  

Tip: Did you graduate years ago and cannot find your diploma? Is your certificate damaged? In such a situation, you won’t be able to showcase your accomplishments. But, don’t worry! You can consider the option to buy high school diploma by providing all the necessary details. The service often helps create a copy and transcript of your certificates that you can use as a replacement for the original one.


Against The Living Room Wall

It is an effortless yet effective way to showcase your achievements. You can frame your certificate or other certificates and hang them. Or you can use floating wall shelves and place your diploma there. You can also use flower pots, books, monogrammed letters, and your graduation hat along with the frame. In addition to this, you can also:  

●     Hang the frame along with your favorite piece of art.

●     On a bulletin board accompanied by inspirational quotes.

●     Add the frame to your wall gallery.  

Nevertheless, make sure that the frame matches your wall decor. Also, keep your place clean and well organized- as it will make the certificates outshine.


Create A Wall Of Success

Last but not least, if you excelled in sports or any other extracurricular activity, you could display the certificate along with your other trophies, medals, and more. In fact, you can even consider creating a wall of success where you can add all your achievements. It will surely impress your guests and become a centerpiece in your house.  

If not the entire wall, you can create an achievement corner to showcase trophies, ribbons, medals, certificates, letterman jackets, and other prizes.


To Sum It All Up!

Graduating from high school and even college is easier said than done. Therefore, you must feel proud of yourself and use your diploma to boost your morale. Try out the display ideas mentioned above and feel inspired and fulfilled by your efforts.