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How To Travel The World With A Family On A Budget

Having a family and traveling with them is still a dream of many. Congratulations to you for the loving family you have. And now comes the traveling part. While it may seem unimaginable to travel with kids within a tight budget, it’s possible.

In this article, we are going to let you know about all the requisites that need to be followed.

1. Choose Destinations Wisely

If you’re from the USA you might think that traveling here is your only option for a cheap vacation. What you don't know is that some countries in Asia, Africa, and even in Europe have a very low cost of living therefore offering fun travels at a low cost as well. 

While you save on flight fares, you will be bleeding money on the travel itself by choosing a more exotic destination. Below are some more tips on how to save costs in your chosen destination. 

Save on Exchange Rates

Research about the exchange rate associated with the countries that you want to visit. A cheaper exchange rate is bound to save you a lot of money while traveling with your family. 

While you are at it, consider working up the economic status of that country too. Research about their GDP and stock market to know more about the cost of living, or even better, watch blogs about it.

Save on Visas

Travel visas are generally more expensive than, say, student visas. Research beforehand about visa fees of countries that you shortlisted for your family travel as mentioned by iVisa . If you are traveling to Europe, you won’t even need a visa to travel to different countries.

You can also save on vacations by moving to European countries with the help of the cheapest investment citizenship programs. They allow you to have dual citizenship in European countries by helping you accommodate through their extensive knowledge and experience. 

Choose a Cheap Destination

Countries like Nepal, India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Mexico, Bolivia, Greece, Poland, Colombia, Ukraine, etc. are affordable destinations to visit. The cost of travel in these countries is relatively low.

However, you shouldn’t confuse cheap with the worst. Some countries that we mentioned, are well beyond beautiful and are of affluent experiences.

 2. Avoid Traveling in Seasons

The Perfect Weather

Family travelers choose their destination when it’s absolutely perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, not too humid. But to travel cheaply with families, try to avoid such months to save a lot on travel expenses such as accommodation. With the increasing number of tourists, the traveling cost grows.

Don’t forget to avoid holidays and festivals while you are at it.

Avoid the Holidays

Holidays such as school holidays are typically synchronized globally. That means that every family is most likely thinking of traveling during this period. So, the usual rate of tourists goes up during the holiday season. Consequently, the costs of traveling including accommodations and other fees go up as well. Therefore, it is highly advisable to plan and book your travels during the off-season. This way, you wouldn't have to spend so much just to get the best travel experience. 

Travel While Kids Are Young

You can save a lot traveling while your kids are still young. Toddlers don’t have as many demands as we do. They don’t care about the accommodation, the food, or even the commute. Just keep them warm, fed, and content to have a wonderful family vacation. Moreover, you can visit Toddler Trips to find some useful tips on travelling with toddlers.

Additionally, establishments do not usually charge kids until they reach a certain height. Some tourist attractions give children free passes if they still meet the height requirement. You can save up on entrance fees while still giving the best experience to your family. 

3. Prepare Early by Yourself

Research beforehand about the place you are going to visit. Determine the type of vacation you are expecting to have. Make sure that you get the right gears for your tour. If you are going to have a hiking tour, don’t bring beach shorts. If you are traveling to forests, remember to take precautions against insects.

Booking hotels, planning your destinations, getting tickets will be a lot less expensive if you plan them yourself without the help of an agent. 

Don’t spend a lot before you go. While researching might give you an insight, it’s often not enough. Not bringing everything you can get your hands on will not only bring down the weight but will help you get the essentials through rent. Yes, renting is also possible for several different gears that you might need to travel.
Against renting? Consider buying from the locals. You’ll get yourself a deal.

4. Choose Your Accommodations Wisely

You won’t be able to get the best deal out of every hotel booking. Once in a while, you might even have to reside in a crappy guest house with all four of you ending up in a bed. But that doesn’t mean you can’t save while choosing your accommodation. 


Reviews are your best friends. Always check the negative reviews before booking a hotel and do consider avoiding the ones that are unwieldy. In countries where the cost of living is low, you can secure great rooms without poking a hole in your pocket.

Book Early

During off-seasons, hotels don’t get as many customers as they would want. So, they discount their prices to appeal to more and more tourists into considering their facility. Booking early lets you avail of discounts while they last.


Homestays are facilities that let you live alongside the owners, typically in separate rooms. The owners are expected to take care and cook for you. In contrast to hotels, homestays are equipped with package stays, including food and accommodation. While you won’t have a say in the rooms provided, you can save a lot by staying in homestays if traveling in remote places.


Train yourself to camp. Camping can save you a lot while traveling remotely. Get a van, go around the country traveling, stay in the van. Camping is a very popular alternative for families that want to travel a lot, but don’t have the finances to do so. If you can erect a tent, you won’t need a van to accommodate yourselves in the wilderness. 

5. Book Cheap Transportations

Plan your vacation around the transports. Book the cheapest flights possible and consider booking around the timing. Share transports with other families to save on commuting.

Consider booking a bus or train to travel rather than renting a car. Public transports are generally cheaper and offer better experiences down the road.

If you do have a private vehicle, consider relocating it to save money on transport. Remember to carry the mandated documentation while traveling in different countries.

The Bottom Line

It’s possible to enjoy an extended family vacation without breaking the purse. Apparently, you can save on your next trip by saving money on transport, accommodation, and by traveling during off-seasons. 

Follow the guidelines mentioned in the article, and you might be able to get the experience of a lifetime on half the budget that was intended.