How Will Having A Tummy Tuck Affect Your Workout Routine?

Having any form of plastic surgery is a life-changing decision, with many patients finding that the process might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a highly effective way to sculpt the body type they’ve always wanted. Tummy tucks, for example, can provide several major benefits, including eliminating loose and hanging skin on the stomach, repairing separated muscles, and destroying unwanted fat in the midsection. Many patients are curious about what they can do to stay fit after having a tummy tuck and whether the surgery will have an impact on the types of workouts they usually do—especially if they’re normally very active. While abdominoplasty does permanently remove sagging skin and repair separated stomach muscles, you don’t want to start bad habits or pack on a significant amount of weight after the procedure, as doing so could reverse the results. In other words, you might end up right back where you started. The plastic surgeons at Cosmetic Surgery Institute, which offers tummy tuck surgery in Palm Springs, explain how you expect the surgery to impact your workouts.

You Can Prepare for a Tummy Tuck with a Healthy Lifestyle

Don’t wait until after you’ve had surgery to think about getting healthy and starting a workout routine. Developing good exercise habits in the months leading up to the procedure helps you to ensure a better outcome and a higher level of satisfaction. It makes sense to exercise regularly for at least three to six months before a planned procedure in order to build up your stamina and strength—especially since exercise can take some time to get used to. If you start exercising beforehand, this will also mean that you have an easier time starting back after you’ve recovered. In terms of diet, avoid refined carbs and processed foods that can cause inflammation. Instead, focus on eating more lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Get Moving When You Can

Even though you will need plenty of rest and sleep, you don’t need to be stuck in bed for months after a tummy tuck. In fact, going for light walks around your room, house, or yard will help you to heal at a much faster rate while mitigating circulation problems.

Exercising is a Great Way to Maintain Results

To maintain a toned, tight abdomen, you will need to continue exercising for years after you’ve had plastic surgery. Patients can gradually resume exercise once a few weeks have passed, but remember to take it easy at first and stop doing anything that causes you pain. Start off by doing low-impact, manageable exercises. Eventually, once your doctor gives you approval to do so, you can return to pre-surgery exercise levels.

Since a tummy tuck has the benefit of flattening the stomach area and tightening weakened muscles, it can also decrease back pain and improve your posture. The surgery can also improve your stamina and flexibility, as well as remove excess skin that gets in the way of exercise. You’ll need to focus on strengthening your upper body, arms, and legs at first, while avoiding anything that involves heavy lifting or places too much stress on the abdominal muscles, as this could lead to setbacks in your recovery.

You Can Eventually Start Core Exercises

Once you’ve fully healed up after several months, it’s a great time to start performing exercises that build core strength. Planks, sit-ups, dead bugs, bridges, and leg raises are some examples of core exercises that help you improve balance, avoid injuries, and make your overall workouts more efficient.

The one way of knowing for sure whether you’re eligible for a tummy tuck is by meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Talk to a physician who can explain more about abdominoplasty by contacting Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Connect with their team by calling (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.