Ideas For Busy Dads To Spend Family Time Indoor

In today's society, it's more difficult than ever for fathers to spend quality time with their children. Busy schedules and hectic work lives often prevent them from spending time with their families. Juggling work and family can be tough, but spending time with your kids is essential. It is to be a good role model. By setting an example of what a good dad is all about, your kids will follow your lead and do the same. You need to balance both family and work life to be that example for them.


You may have plenty of reasons to avoid spending time with families. It can be difficult to make time to spend with your family outdoors every week. However, there are many indoor activities you and your family can enjoy together that won't require a lot of time but will be sure to bring joy.

10 Best Ideas That Will Help Busy Dads Spend Great Family Time Indoor

1. Play with a home golf simulator

Busy dads can spend quality time with their families and play golf all at the same time by using a home golf simulator. This interactive device allows users to swing away to their heart's content while improving their game simultaneously. Not only is this a fun way for the whole family to get involved, but it can also be a great exercise regimen. 

Almost anyone can learn the finer points of golf by using a simulator at home. But if you have more limited resources, there is an even more affordable option. That is putting aids. With these tools in hand, any busy dad can hone his golf skills while spending quality time with his loved ones.


2. Cook together

Cooking together is a great way to spend family time indoors. It can be a good way to get everyone involved in the cooking process and connect as a family while eating delicious food. Cooking together can also help dads bond with their children and teach them basic household works. Plus, it's a way to show kids how to cook healthy meals.


You can make a quick and easy meal together. There's no need to go out and buy expensive groceries when you can whip up something simple and delicious at home.


3. Arcade basketball

If you're a busy dad and want to spend some quality time with your family, consider adding an arcade basketball court to your home. This mini court takes relatively less time to set up. Then, it will provide hours of fun for the whole family. For making the game more enjoyable, ensure to pick a location in your home that's convenient for all members of your family. Choose a basketball hoop that's appropriate for the kids as well. 


4. Dart board

Dart boards are a fun and interactive way for busy dads to spend family time indoors without having a back pain. They're affordable, easy to set up, can be played anywhere in the house, and provide hours of entertainment. Dart boards come in different sizes, so there is sure to be one that fits into any room. You can make a new game with it and get everyone gathered around to play. You can set up a tournament with different rules for each round. Or you may simply have family members compete to see who can score the most points in a set amount of time.


5. Do arts and crafts

There is a way to spend time with your family and still have plenty of energy - go arts and crafts! It can be a great way for busy parents to spend family time indoors. By focusing on simple projects that the entire family can participate in, dads can create memories that will last a lifetime.  

Arts and crafts can be done in a variety of ways, so there is something for everyone. For example, have everyone create home decoration items. This is a great way to get everyone involved and make something special. 


6. Read together

Busy dads can spend quality time with their families by reading together. Pick out a book or two to read aloud. This will help to foster a love of learning in kids. Additionally, reading together promotes communication and can help to build close relationships. This is an ideal way for busy dads to spend some quality family time. 

Pick a book that your family will enjoy. Sit close so you easily share the dialogue with other family members. Let each member play a character. Make sure there is plenty of light and comfortable seating.


7. Table tennis

Table tennis can be an amazing way to spend family time indoors. It is a simple game that can be played by people of all ages, skill levels, and physical abilities. If you're a busy dad who wants to spend some quality time with your family, table tennis is a great sport to get into. You don't really need the expensive one to get started. You can have a very basic table tennis setup and still enjoy it with the family. You can also challenge your kids to matches or tournaments. Create your own rules and challenges and let them play together or against other family members.


8. Play hide and seek

Playing hide and seek is one of the simplest but beloved games. It can be a fun way to spend time with your family indoors. You can make the game more challenging by hiding treasures for them to find from different places and clues. The children will have a lot of fun trying to find you and treasures that you hide.  

This is a fun activity to do when you don't have the time to go outside. The best thing about this game is that it can be played anywhere, including in the living room, the backyard, or even the kitchen. You don't even need any equipment for this game.


9. Air hockey

Not every family member is into sports, so when there's a game night, it can be hard to come up with something everyone can enjoy. One option is air hockey. It is a simple game that can be played indoors without any need for outside equipment or weather conditions. According to IndoorActions, “Air Hockey is considered as the best arcade-style game that has ever been invented.” The rules are simple, and the game can be played in short bursts with little downtime for other activities. This is perfect for busy fathers who want to spend quality time with their families.

10. Have a indoor picnic

A picnic at home is a great way to save money and enjoy a delicious meal. You don't really need to go out all the time to have a picnic. Make your own picnic space at home. You can set up a buffet with different snacks and drinks on the coffee table or in one of the room's open spaces, providing the perfect spot for family fun. Plus, if you're feeling extra creative, you could set up a play area with soft toys, games, and other kid-friendly items.



There are plenty of fun, indoor activities that dads can do with their children. These activities can help strengthen the father-child bond and allow fathers to spend an amazing quality time with their family. Dads should try to make time for these activities, even if they are busy. By doing so, they will be able to create lasting memories with their children. So get creative and have some fun!