Is My Child Showing Signs Of ADHD? Recognising Symptoms And When To Seek Evaluation

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is amongst the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders identified in kids. If you're noticing signs of inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity in your child, you may be wondering if ADHD is the culprit. Recognising common ADHD symptoms and knowing when to seek professional assessment can help you get your child the support they need. This guide covers the basics of spotting ADHD red flags and taking the next steps toward diagnosis and treatment.

What Are the Primary Symptoms of ADHD in Children?

ADHD symptoms generally fall into two main categories: inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Some specific signs under each include:


  • Difficulty sustaining focus on tasks or play

  • Easily distracted by unimportant things

  • Forgetful in daily activities

  • Difficulty listening when spoken to

  • Daydreaming and zoning out 

  • Avoiding tasks that require concentration

  • Losing things needed for homework/activities

  • Careless mistakes due to lack of attention to detail


  • Constant fidgeting and restlessness

  • Unable to sit still for long periods

  • Running or climbing in inappropriate situations

  • Talking excessively 

  • Difficulty waiting their turn

  • Interrupting or intruding on others

  • Difficulty playing quietly

The severity and specific combination of symptoms can vary widely from child to child. But if you're noticing multiple signs of inattention or hyperactivity that are persistently impacting school, home or social life, ADHD may be the reason.

When to Seek Professional Assessment for ADHD

As a parent, it can be challenging to know whether problematic behaviours are just part of normal childhood or potential ADHD. There's no need to panic over occasional inattention or rambunctious energy. But if symptoms are:

  • Persisting for over 6 months

  • Frequently impairing multiple areas of life

  • Occurring since before age 12 

  • Not part of another condition like autism

Then it's wise to seek a professional ADHD assessment for your child. The earlier ADHD is identified, the sooner children can receive support and treatment to minimise difficulties.

How ADHD Assessment for Children is Conducted

A comprehensive private ADHD assessment of a child involves detailed interviews, questionnaires, rating scales and direct observation of your child. Information is gathered from both parents and teachers to understand symptoms across different settings.

Some key components of the ADHD assessment may include:

  • Developmental history - Checking for ADHD signs from an early age

  • Academic records - Reviewing school performance for impairments  

  • Behaviour checklists - Rating scales to quantify level of symptoms

  • Cognitive testing - Assessing thinking skills like memory and focus

  • Vision/hearing tests - Ensuring no sensory issues causing symptoms

  • Family history - Looking for ADHD patterns across generations

  • Mental health screening - Assessing for conditions like anxiety and depression

Proper diagnosis requires ruling out other causes and ensuring ADHD criteria is fully met. It's not something that can be done quickly via a single consultation or just by self-observation. Formal assessment is key.

If your child is exhibiting behavioural challenges, don't assume ADHD is the problem or try to diagnose it yourself. But likewise, don't brush off symptoms assuming it's just a phase. Persistent issues with inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity could signal ADHD, especially if impairing daily functioning. Seek professional assessment to determine if ADHD is the culprit and unlock formal support. The earlier you take steps toward diagnosis, the sooner your child can thrive.