Kids With ADHD - 5 Helpful Tips For Dads

Being a dad is a hugely rewarding role. When your child has a health condition such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), it can be more challenging but nonetheless wonderful. Keeping some of the below tips in mind can help you to minimize the challenges and maximize the enjoyment of being a dad.


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is most commonly diagnosed in childhood but also occurs in teens as well as adults. Inattention, along with impulsivity and hyperactivity, is the hallmark symptoms of the condition. The symptoms can be managed using medications and behavior-based online ADHD treatments that are unique to the individual and their specific needs. Having a proper diagnosis and treatment regimen are critical steps to understanding the needs of the child and helping them enjoy their childhood.

TIP #1 Never forget that your child is “normal”

Despite having a medical condition and symptoms that might lead to some challenging situations, a child with ADHD is just as “normal” as a child without the condition. While dads with children who have ADHD need to be more aware of their child’s behavior and potential triggers, this condition should not limit the child’s enjoyment of life and the love they give. The stereotype of what was “normal” is an outdated and flawed concept. In today’s society, “normal” recognizes that each human is a unique individual.


Tip # 2 Know Your Child and Understand ADHD

Knowing that your child has ADHD and understanding the complexities of this medical condition will be invaluable to you as a dad. Being able to briefly and simply explain ADHD to others can lead to easier acceptance and also better situational awareness of those around you. For example, children with ADHD commonly have impulsivity symptoms which may make it difficult for them to wait their turn to speak or stand in a line. Knowledge of your child’s symptoms and when they are triggered can help you and others around you prevent or mitigate them.

Tip #3 Pre-Thought Out Strategies and Techniques

Having strategies in place to both recognize and mediate situations likely to trigger symptoms can help prevent escalation. As part of most behavioral therapies, both the parent and the child learn how to recognize and control symptoms. Practice makes perfect, so doing these at home as well as in the community will make the child and the parents feel more at ease in most situations.

Tip #4 Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

An overall healthy lifestyle helps children with ADHD. Hyperactivity is a common symptom of ADHD. Diets that limit sugars while promoting fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are beneficial to your child’s health. Increasing physical activity can help an ADHD child burn off excess energy and be able to focus better. Limiting screen time on electronic devices and the proper amount of sleep helps a child with ADHD better manage their symptoms.

Tip #5 Consider a Pet

Many children with ADHD benefit from having a pet in their life. Pets can provide physical comfort as well as mental assurance. It is not uncommon for a child to relax and also speak to a pet based on the unconditional love and support a pet provides. A pet can also provide a great outlet to increase an ADHD child’s physical activity, attention to detail, and focus, by going on walks and potentially to exhibitions along with routine daily care requirements. However, getting a pet is a lifetime commitment, and you should speak to your medical professional to help you make the best decision.


In summary, as a dad, never forget that your child is a treasure and if your child has ADHD, that is just another part of who they are. Simple steps can help you enrich their lives and more fully enjoy their childhood.  

 About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.