Make Money Tasting Wine

Wine tasting is an art form in itself. Many people are interested in wine, even if they aren’t experts. Early Americans thought of wine as a European beverage, and it was thought to be more sophisticated than American alcoholic beverages. Wine lovers, like any other consumers, often look online for reviews of different wines and other wine-related content. 

But there is a shift away from mainstream ideas, and people often prefer the opinions of amateurs over experts. Wine reviews online are easy to create and can be a source of income. Here are some tips:

  • Widen Your Audience
    Use multiple social media platforms to gain a larger following, and keep your content popular. SubscriberZ is a social media market that helps grow your audience size. Additionally, if you feature a wider variety of wines, you will be able to attract more viewers. Money made on social media is proportional to the number of people your content is able to reach.

  • Do Not Limit Yourself
    If you start this journey with only a few mainstream wines or restrict your content to reviewing wines from a specific region; you are narrowing down your viewer count. By exploring new types of wine, you can have a more fun experience and also make more money.

  • Be Honest
    People will come to your channel or page in an attempt to find a wine suitable for their purposes. If they increasingly find that you are not honest when reviewing something, they might be discouraged from watching. So focus on what you really think about the wine you’re tasting and not preconceived notions you might have had about it. For example, if you are not a fan of expensive French wine, do not attempt to praise it hoping to seem sophisticated. A viewer can easily tell you are not being sincere. Honesty has become one of the traits that viewers and consumers expect.

  • Contact Small Vineyards
    There are many vineyards that are just starting their journey in winemaking and would appreciate the extra publicity they can get from being reviewed on a channel with a large following. Even if you aren’t a fan of the wine they make, and even if you ultimately say so in your review; the publicity is considered marketing for them. For example, if you say the wine is too dry for your taste, viewers looking for a very dry wine might go seeking it. Use this information to negotiate an affiliate or marketing deal with small vineyards.

  • Visit Different Places

If you only go to wineries to review the various reds and whites they have to offer, you might easily get bored or uninterested. The same goes for your audience. Try wine tasting at different restaurants, vineyards, cellars, and wineries alike. You may even risk going to amateur winemakers to test what they have in store. Make the content exciting for you, so that the experience is more entertaining to the viewer.

  • Add Other Content
    A channel that only contains videos of reviews can get repetitive, so try to occasionally add varied content. You may dedicate an entire video to the process of winemaking, or make your videos part review, part other wine-related subjects. This will keep the user interested in coming back for more, and give you a more diversified audience.


Wine tasting is not a trend of the past; people just changed the way they communicate about it. Creating content specific to wine tasting and making can give you the opportunity to bring together a community of wine lovers while earning a decent income. Try your luck on social media, all you have to lose is the joy of tasting a variety of wines.