Mediation: The Solution To A Long, Drawn-out, Contentious Divorce In California

Divorce is an inherently quarrelsome affair. But it doesn’t always have to be a drawn-out and contentious battle. Throwing tantrums, public shaming and airing dirty laundry about your former spouse is one way to do it. Another and more peaceful way to do it is called divorce mediation with a Santa Ana Family Law Firm.

Mediation can help save a lot of time, money and headache for both participants, including families. It is the civilized way of separating. This article seeks to impart the notion that mediation is far better than a quarrelsome divorce. It saves a lot of effort and preserves dignity for both former spouses.

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation requires voluntary participation; no one can force you into it. The participants engage in a confidential process with an unbiased third party. This process is meant to help both participants come to a resolution in their divorce matter.

Mediation is helpful when two former spouses cannot agree on the terms of the divorce but want to resolve it amongst themselves. They refuse to yield power to attorneys or courts. They work with a neutral third-party professional mediation expert that can help guide them through the process.

Please note that a mediator does not decide anyone’s share of guilt or consequences. He or she merely points out the way and highlights all pros and cons. In the end, it is the two participants that must determine the outcome of this resolution for themselves.

Mediation empowers a participant to cooperate with their former partner and take ownership of their decisions. It allows participants to focus on what’s important, bypassing the harsh win or lose nature in the majority of divorce litigation cases. Both participants will work towards an agreement at the end of the marriage while maintaining control of their time, spending, enforcement, participation, privacy, outcome, and figuring out how to serve divorce papers in California.

Litigation vs Mediation

Litigation is a process that allows divorcing couple to resolve their differences in court. Typically, it involves attorneys representing each individual and a judge deciding the outcome. It is costly and public.

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process that allows former spouses to separate their ways amicably. A third-party, unbiased mediator helps the participants smooth the way. Mediation generally costs less in money, time and reputation.

How Do I Decide If Mediation Right Is For Me?

Suppose you wish to engage in a successful mediation. In that case, it is imperative that both you and your spouse must volunteer for it. You must want to cooperate and find an honest, amicable solution regarding finances, properties, families, and children. You must both work with the mediator respectfully and keep your focus on finding a compromise.

Following are a few conditions. If you fulfill them, mediation is right for you. You must be willing to–

·         Cordially discuss and resolve your marital problems without involving a court.

·         Be honest about your behaviour, emotions, finances or assets.

·         Compromise when necessary.

·         Discuss how to divide your assets and share custody of the children

·         Voluntarily attend mediation.

If all the conditions mentioned above apply to you, you are a good candidate for divorce mediation. Your professional mediator may also help determine whether mediation is the best possible choice in your situation.