Misconceptions About Liposuction You Should Stop Believing

Liposuction may be one of the most famous types of plastic surgery, but Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group knows that many myths and misconceptions still circulate about this and other procedures, leading to confusion, especially those who are new to cosmetic treatments. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Cross explains, “Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that has been helping individuals achieve their desired body contours for decades. For traditional liposuction, a cannula is inserted under the skin to break up stubborn fat into smaller pieces, which are then removed. By using suction to remove some fat from certain areas, it can produce leaner and more balanced body contours, helping you to create the ideal silhouette. Despite its widespread use, there are several misconceptions surrounding this surgery.”

In this article, we aim to debunk some common myths about liposuction to provide a clearer understanding of this transformative procedure.

Myth: Liposuction is a Weight Loss Treatment

Fact: One prevalent misconception is that liposuction is a weight loss tool or replacement. Liposuction is not designed for significant weight reduction. It is only a body contouring procedure that targets localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise, reducing relatively small amounts of fat. Most people will only go down about two to five pounds on the scale, but their general body shape will be improved. Candidates should be at or near their ideal weight before undergoing liposuction. 

Myth: Liposuction Can Replace a Healthy Lifestyle

Fact: Liposuction is often misunderstood as a substitute for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While the procedure can enhance body contours, it is not a solution for poor diet and lack of exercise. Liposuction shouldn’t be thought of as an “easy way out.” Adopting a healthy lifestyle remains crucial for overall well-being. Moreover, you will need to commit to healthy lifestyle habits if you want to preserve optimal results. 

Myth: Liposuction Can Fix Cellulite

Fact: Many believe that liposuction can eliminate cellulite. However, liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite, which involves a structural issue beneath the skin. The dimpling or rippling occurs when fibrous bands pulled down on the skin and the fat layer pushes upward, causing an uneven surface. While liposuction can improve body contours, it may not necessarily address the dimpled appearance associated with cellulite. In fact, liposuction can sometimes make the dimpling look more pronounced. 

Myth: The Removed Fat Will Come Back After Liposuction 

Fact: Despite the common misconception, once fat has been removed with liposuction, it won’t grow back. Your body won’t produce new fat cells to replace the ones that were suctioned away. Even if you were to gain weight after this procedure on other areas, the treated body areas will still have less fat cells compared to surrounding areas. 

Myth: Liposuction Is Painful

Fact: Some people fear that liposuction will be an excruciatingly painful procedure. Advances in technology and anesthesia have significantly reduced the discomfort associated with liposuction. The procedure is not particularly painful for most. Most patients experience only mild discomfort during recovery, though the pain may vary considerably from individual to individual, and the surgeon will provide pain management strategies to enhance the overall experience.

Myth: Liposuction Can Treat Loose Skin

Fact: Sometimes your cosmetic concerns such as a heavy midsection might be caused by a combination of loose, excess skin and stubborn fat. While liposuction can remove excess fat, it does not effectively address loose or sagging skin. In cases where skin laxity is also a concern, additional procedures such as a tummy tuck or body lift may be recommended to achieve optimal results.

Myth: Liposuction Is Always the Best Option for Abdominal Fat

Fact: Patients should keep in mind that liposuction only targets subcutaneous fat – the soft, wobbly, and pinchable fat found directly under the skin. It doesn’t work for hard belly fat or visceral fat. Contrary to popular belief, liposuction also is not limited to the abdominal area. This is a highly versatile treatment that can be used for comprehensive body contouring. It can be performed on various body regions, including the thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, and more. 

Want more advice regarding myths and misconceptions about plastic surgery? Contact the Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group for more details about liposuction or other procedures. Call (215) 561-9100 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss treatments.