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Seven Common Beginner Golf Mistakes That Are Easy To Avoid

Golf is a sport almost everyone likes to give a try at some point in their lives. Whether you are getting into golf for the first time or you are picking it back up again after a long time without playing, golf is a fun game that people of any age can enjoy. As a rule, the more often that you get out on the course and play, the better that you will get.

However, it can be easy to make common mistakes as you start – and if you turn these mistakes into habits, they can really hinder your golfing progress significantly. Here we take a look at seven of the most common mistakes that new golfers make, and what you can do to avoid them.

1.       Not investing in the equipment you need

Golf is the sort of sport that does take a little initial investment to maximise your potential and allow you to keep learning at a good pace. No-one is saying that you need to go out and spend thousands on the latest golf clubs – in fact, many new golfers are disappointed to find out that their stunning new clubs don’t make any difference to their handicap. However, there are some pieces of equipment that will really help you to improve.

This includes everything from home practice aids and putting mats to chipping nets and golf screens. These sorts of items allow you to be working on your game regularly even when you can’t get to the course.

2.       Failing to take the physical aspect seriously

Some people view golf with the idea that it is a leisurely activity, and just a bit of a fun. However, it is important to recognise that golf is a sport – and like with any sport, you need to take the physical side of the game seriously. There are many different fitness aids that have been specifically designed with golfers in mind, to help ensure that you work on a strong core, aid flexibility and maximise power.

You can also start taking part in yoga and Pilates sessions, as these can be hugely beneficial to golfers.

3.       Neglecting the pre-round warmup

Golf can be extremely demanding on your muscles and just as you need to take the physical side of the game seriously, you also need to prioritise doing a proper warmup. Before any golfing session you should put in the time to warm up and feel in good shape. In powerful motions such as the swing on a drive it can be easy to pull a muscle. It doesn’t take long – a simple, gentle warmup before you hit a shot can remove the risk of injuries entirely.

4.       Limiting your practice to driving

It is vital that you should get to the driving range on a regular basis so that you can put in the work and practice your longer shots. However, do not assume that this is the only part of your game that you need to work on. To improve at golf, you need to put time into all of the various shots from including everything from chips and putts, to medium-range shots.

5.       Not investing in professional training

If you are new to golf then you can benefit enormously from professional tuition. Your local golf club will offer high quality training that can put you on the right path to improving your overall game and reducing your handicap. Even if you are taking up golf much later in life, there is no age limit to learning.

6.       Having unrealistic expectations about your game

It can be all too simple to watch golf on TV and think to yourself – that looks easy. If you watch a lot of golf you might have expectations of how you will play when you get out on the course – but then when you do not live up to those expectations it can be easy to get disheartened. Just remember that golf is like anything else; you need to put in the hard work and practice to play well.

7.       Not working on weaknesses

It can be very tempting to only put in work on the parts of your game that you are already good at. But this will show on the course and if you have glaring problems in your game they can be exploited.