Sexual Assault Cases In A Marriage - How They Affect A Divorce?

The issue of domestic violence is always an acute issue, as well as sexual assault. It is important to understand that sexual assault in marriage is much more dangerous than from an unfamiliar intruder. Since it is not a one-time occurrence, it can take a long time. This is not about a couple of days, but even several years.

Unfortunately, this situation is increasingly becoming known in the courtroom. It is worth considering that in many such cases it is simply unknown. Since few women are ready to say such a thing. Let's take a closer look at this issue and consider how sexual abuse affects the process of divorce.

How Sexual Assault Affects Divorce

In the United States, you can divorce your spouse for any reason. But when this reason is sexual assault, then everything is different. Unfortunately, you have to prove that you have been sexually abused by your spouse. As practice shows, this is not so simple, because often there are no obvious signs and injuries. Nevertheless, to prove it still remains real.

Firstly, a jury trial is 100% likely to be on your side. And if you can convince them, then most likely the judge will take your part. But usually, even a judge’s decision can be immediately in your direction for the sake of your safety and the safety of children. What does this mean in the context of divorce?

That means you win the case. Especially on issues of alimony, custody and so on. Moreover, the court will provide a restraining order to ensure your safety.

Should a Woman Claim Sexual Assault During a Divorce?

Definitely yes! No matter how difficult it might seem to bring it up for discussion. Unfortunately, concealment of many victims of such violence creates a lack of public understanding that such a situation exists in families and this is a real problem.

It is clear that most victims of domestic sexual violence conceal their tragedy. This is what makes it difficult to assess the real extent of this problem. Many women believe or try to convince themselves that this is normal in a marriage. But, that is never the case. One should consider the acts of domestic violence unfavorable. If you face a similar situation, don’t hesitate to seek legal assistance from a trained attorney. Moreover, the legal experts of domestic violence at suggest victims find an effective solution to this problem with the help of an attorney.

But sexual intercourse without consent, with the use of physical force or under threat of life can be considered as rape. Especially when this happens on a regular basis and is accompanied by a real threat to health. This is not normal in a marriage.

Therefore, if a woman filed for divorce and there was a place to be this type of domestic violence, then do not be silent about this.

·         First, the case of divorce will be positive for the woman.

·         Secondly, the court will take measures to protect the woman from the home tyrant.

Divorce in itself does not portend positive emotions, and if the marriage was also accompanied by the same feelings, then it is worth taking care of the issue of security.

If You Don't Know Where to Start

If you are afraid to admit that you have become a victim of domestic sexual violence, then you may need the help of a psychologist. One way or another, you will need to get rid of this psychological trauma. A specialist will help you gain the courage to end this once and for all.

Remember that your recognition in most cases will provide you with subsequent security and win cases. If you do not report violence, then the trial will be traditional (long and with the risk of losing). Keep yourself and your children safe.

If you decide that you need to end the marriage, then you need to consider filing for divorce. For example, you might think of divorce online. Check out the specialized companies that provide online divorce forms. You just need to fill out an application and you will be provided with a list of documents needed to file for divorce to be prepared. In other words, you will have a complete guide on filling out do it yourself divorce forms. Then you will receive advice on how to proceed and get a legal divorce online.


As you understand, sexual assault affects the outcome of a divorce. But hiding this fact is absolutely not the best way. Society is not aware of the magnitude of this problem, as most women experience this tragedy on their own. Keep yourself safe by raising this issue in court.