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Signs You Need To Call Washington DC Carpet Cleaners

Carpets provide comfort and warmth to the feet, most notably during the frigid winter season. Aside from that, living room carpets and their great aesthetic appeal can look inviting to guests or visitors. However, carpets tend to hide dirt, which becomes apparent when vacuuming and once you start to notice odd smells.  

Improperly cleaned carpets can lead to health and safety concerns. This is why it's crucial to call a professional carpet cleaner to help you. Check out the warning signs below that would tell you when you need to contact Washington DC carpet cleaners.


Hard-to-Remove Carpet Stains  

The lifespan of a typical carpet is three to five years. While you were able to remove carpet stains in the past, such as coffee or chocolate stains, some stains are too difficult to remove, most especially those that have already dried or have been around for quite some time.  

Carpet stains may result from spilled liquids or beverages, such as wine, tea, soda, and hot chocolate. Also, chewing gum, fat, ink, grease, and children's toys such as clay and slime may stick onto carpet fibers, making them hard to remove.  

Here are some tips and tricks when removing carpet stains: 

●       Treat carpet stains immediately to avoid the stain from lingering and being absorbed easily.

●       In a spray bottle, use 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap, 1/4 cup of vinegar, and then fill with water. Liberally spray the area and soak it for about 5 to 10 minutes. Blot the area with a clean and dry towel until all stains are removed.

●       Don't delay resolving stubborn stains. Contact a professional carpet cleaner, such as Maid to Please, if the stains are difficult to remove.


Not Your Usual Carpet Stain Problem  

While you usually encounter coffee and food stains, there are rare instances when you'll face unusual carpet stain problems, including blood and ink stains. When a family member is sick or injured, bloodstains may occur, not only on their clothes but also on your carpet. If you're unsure with what to do with bloodstains, it's time to contact a professional carpet cleaner to help you. 

Here are some helpful tips when cleaning bloodstains from carpets:

●       When treating bloodstains, do it as soon as you can. Hardened blood is very difficult to remove.

●       Instead of warm or hot water to clean blood spots on your carpet, use cold water to avoid blood coagulation. Using cold water will prevent the blood from being absorbed easily by the carpet fibers.

●       Fill a spritzer bottle with two teaspoons of liquid dish detergent (grease-fighting) and cold water. Spray it immediately on the bloodstain. Continue spraying until the carpet is soaked to help moisten the stain.

●       Blot dry using a dry white cloth or paper towel so that the stain will be absorbed by the cloth. Rinse the carpet using cold water.

●       Removing stubborn bloodstains may require using a combination of cleaning methods to be effective.


Unpleasant Smells 

Even dads may have a hard time cleaning carpets, most especially those with strange smells. Odd odors coming from your carpet is a dangerous sign, most especially when it’s a carpet that smells like a mushroom. It's a warning sign of possible mold hidden on the carpet, which may pose serious health risks (learn more below).


Health Problems 

Health issues may arise from unclean carpets. Even if regular cleaning is performed, dust mites are very tiny, and cannot be thoroughly removed by average household cleaning. This is why hiring an expert carpet cleaner is important. 

As dads, you only want the best for your kids. Don't allow a seemingly clean carpet to ruin the health of your children, most especially infants and toddlers. Hire professional carpet cleaning services to ensure one hundred percent health and safety. 

Here are the health risks of unpleasant and moldy carpets: 

●       Respiratory Issues: Mold, dirt, dust, pet hair, and other particles can hide into the carpet fibers and may spread into the air when vacuumed. These pollutants may cause respiratory issues, such as coughing, asthma, allergy, or difficulty breathing. Children are at greater risk of developing respiratory problems because they spend a lot of time playing and touching carpet floors. They usually put objects in their mouths that have come in contact with moldy carpet fibers.

●       Allergies: Dust mites and mold can inflame the lungs, giving you red eyes or even a runny nose. Dirt buildup on the carpet floor can easily trigger an asthma or allergy attack, which can decrease a family member's quality of life within the home.

●       Skin Irritation: Rashes and itchy skin, as well as eczema and athlete’s foot, may develop due to dirty carpets.

●       Weakened or Compromised Immune System: With an unclean environment, a person's immune system may weaken or become compromised. While your carpet may look beautiful and clean outside, dust mites and millions of microorganisms are lying underneath, which can be harmful to you and your family.

●       Stomach Illness: A damp or wet carpet may cause mold problems, as well as different health problems because of mycotoxins (mold toxins that cause stomach irritation and inflammation or infection). Basement carpeting usually has mold that goes unseen, making it a host for stomach bacteria, like salmonella. Children usually play and touch the carpet and, in turn, put their hands inside their mouths, leading to digestive and immune system problems.


Signs of Wear and Tear 

Once your carpet is close to the end of its lifespan, stains become harder to remove, so you end up having a really dirty carpet. Professional carpet cleaners can help you preserve your carpet to ensure you'll still be able to use them for many years without compromising your health and safety. They will restore your carpet and make them look new again using effective cleaning methods.


Pets Regularly Pee and Poo on the Carpet  

Your furry friends can be your stress-reliever and best companion when your kids are not at home. It's fun to take your dog outdoors with you while jogging and lie at home while watching your favorite action movies. However, your pets may accidentally pee or poo in your carpet, which can end up in a disaster. 

Because your dogs and cats love to spend time playing and lying on your carpet, you also have to make sure that their health is not compromised. Have your carpets professionally cleaned because regular vacuuming only removes 15 percent of the dirt on a carpet. House cleaning services are trained, and they have the right cleaning tools and equipment to help restore your carpet to its best look.



The carpet may darken when moving large furniture from one area to another. The carpet usually turns lighter and appears bouncier compared to other carpet areas. No matter how much you vacuum your carpet, dirt and dust still manage to go deeper into the layers of carpet fibers, leading to discoloration. If you notice discoloration on your carpet floors, contact a professional cleaning company immediately to help revive your carpet.


You're Planning to Buy a New Carpet 

Have you totally given up cleaning your carpet? You're probably thinking of replacing it and spending another hefty amount of money to buy a new one. If your carpet gets too many stains, it would look old and faded. However, you can still save yourself from ripping up your home carpet and installing a new one by seeking the help of a professional carpet cleaning company. 

Here are the advantages of hiring carpet cleaning services: 

●       Highly Knowledgeable and Trained: Carpet cleaning professionals are trained to handle complex carpet stain problems without ruining the overall aesthetic appeal and structure of your carpet.

●       Specialized Tools: Professional cleaning companies have sophisticated or state-of-the-art cleaning tools and equipment to shampoo and completely rinse and dry carpets.

●       Wide Array of Excellent Services: Trusted, reputable, and experienced carpet cleaners also offer other services, such as upholstery cleaning, water damage cleaning, renewing of countertops, and cleaning area rugs, leather, tiles, and grout.

●       Peace of Mind: With professional carpet cleaning services, you'll have assurance and peace of mind that your carpet will be handled by experts. Expect excellent carpet cleaning services will result in a carpet that looks new and a hundred percent fresh and clean.

●       Worth the Money: As busy dads, you probably just want to pay someone to do the carpet cleaning job. Don't worry because every penny you'll spend on professional carpet cleaning services will be worth it.

●       Save Time, Money, and Effort: Just imagine saving a lot of time, money, and effort taking care of a family member in the hospital or at home because of getting sick due to an unclean carpet. Don't hesitate to hire professional carpet cleaning services to reduce instances of being sick within a year, even from simple colds, cough, and the flu. Prioritize your family's health and safety by ensuring you have a clean carpet.



Hiring a professional carpet cleaner will make your life a lot easier. Simply vacuuming regularly may result in accumulated dirt on the deeper parts of your carpet. Make sure to act promptly and don't delay if you notice an unpleasant smell, stubborn or hard-to-remove stains, discoloration, and other carpet problems.