Sustainable Swaps: 6 Simple Upgrades To Help You Live A More Eco-Friendly Life

Picture: Safan Vs / Unsplash

Climate change is of great concern. Greenhouse gas levels are at an all-time high, and we’re using more of our planet’s resources than it can renew. You might only be a minor contributor to the problem, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make lasting changes that further reduce your impact. 

As overwhelming as it can seem to live a more eco-friendly life, it can be as easy as taking the following actions: 

Use Environmentally-Friendly Cookware

Many non-stick cookware products on the market contain PFAS, PFOA, lead, and cadmium. Alongside the potential health implications, many non-stick cookware pots and pans have a short lifespan, resulting in an increased carbon footprint every time you have to purchase yet another cookware item. 

Fortunately, environmentally friendly cookware options exist to reduce your impact. By purchasing non-stick pots and pans made from healthy, non-toxic materials, you can do right by your family and the planet. 

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

We live in a throwaway society. When we don’t want or need something, or it has a defect, we throw it away. However, it’s easy to change your ways. Fix broken items instead of replacing them, and recycle and donate items you no longer want or need. 

Say Goodbye to Single-Use Plastics

We use an alarming amount of disposable plastic. We create enough bubble wrap yearly to cover the distance between the Earth and the moon and throw away more than 50 billion coffee cups with plastic lids and coatings. Many people also use plastic and polystyrene plates for their meals, throwing them away after each use. 

Plastic can take hundreds of years to break down, so consider more eco-friendly alternatives. Purchase bamboo or stainless steel straws rather than plastic or paper, and swap your disposable coffee cup for a reusable one. Rather than serving meals on plastic, polystyrene, or paper plates, use washable ceramic ones.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

If the time has come to upgrade appliances in your home, don’t just base your decision on price, aesthetics, and functionality. Instead, consider the environmental impact of all options. Look at ENERGY STAR ratings to see which appliances are the most efficient, and refer to the product list provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency

While you might need to spend more on an energy-efficient appliance, you can save money on operational costs and take care of the planet simultaneously.  

Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Read the packaging of most mainstream cleaning products, and you’ll likely see the names of various toxic chemicals. They might make cleaning easier, but they can also enter streams and rivers, causing water pollution. Thankfully, eco-friendly products with natural ingredients can be just as effective. Crucially, they are safer for humans and the environment

Change Your Food Practices

Most people don’t think too deeply about what they eat and where they shop. They just know they’re hungry and need to stock their fridges and pantries. However, the way you shop and eat can have more of an impact than you think. 

It can take more than 15,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of beef compared to 500 – 4,000 liters for one kilogram of wheat. The average transportation chain for fresh food like fruit and vegetables can also be carbon-heavy. So consider eating less meat and purchasing fruit and vegetables from local producers. 

As overwhelming as it may seem to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, it can start with just a few changes. Take some of the actions above, and embark on a new and exciting journey to living a cleaner and more environmentally-conscious way of life.