Teaching Kids To Save Energy

It is always tough to teach kids about complex topics. Energy is not only extremely complicated politically, it is complicated fundamentally. While your children might not yet comprehend climate change, you can get across the point that energy costs money and that some things require energy and some do not. If you can teach these basic truths to your children while making it fun and educational for them. This will not only make the topic less dreary, it will be effective.

There is not a lot of agreement about the politics of energy but everyone wants to save money on their energy bills. Every household needs to worry about their energy use. Doing simple things like turning off the lights and unplugging electronic can make a world of difference. Most kids don’t actually want to waste energy, they just don’t know how to conserve. Once you teach your children the basics of conservation, they will follow your directions and begin to work on their own to conserve energy.

Explain the Basics

Begin with talking about the basics of electricity. Explain to your kids that everyone plugging into the wall uses energy and that energy costs money. Turn on and off the lights and explain that when the light is on, it costs money. According to the site MoneyPug, which is well known energy comparison site in the UK, you can also make distinctions between things that are on and plugged in and the other things that are turned off and unplugged. Making the connection between electronics working and them being plugged in will help your children understand the fundamentals of electricity. Furthermore, you can show your kids the difference between objects that require power and objects that do not. 

Create a Game

After you show your kids that different objects require electricity and other objects do not, you can create a game out of it to make a point while you’re doing it. You can quiz your kids to ask them what requires electricity and what doesn’t. For example, you can show them a razor and an electric buzzer. You can explain to them that the electric shaver requires power. You can also use a broom and a vacuum to illustrate the same point. Choose between video games and board games, lightbulbs and candles, and you will be able to make it fun to learn about electricity. When you create a game out of teaching your kids about energy and electricity, you will be able to concentrate on making it educational. 

Make it Educational

Making learning about energy fun is a great way to show your kids how to save energy, but there are also many educational tools you can use to help them further. There are so many options to help you figure out new ways to conserve energy in the household and help kids to turn off the lights, unplug their video games, and use less electricity in general. There are month-to-month educational material that will provide new tactics and techniques to save energy and help your kids do the same. Every season has its benefits and disadvantages. Certain projects will help you save money on energy and including your kids in these activities will help them understand that it is very important. Curbing your household use of power is pivotal. You can have your kids help you make a small wind turbine. You could install solar panels and have your kids watch. Make weekly tasks for your kids and keep track of who is doing a good job of turning off lights and unplugging electronics. 

When you teach your children the fundamentals of electricity, you will be able to make a game out of it and use educational tools to further their understanding. Every household needs to do a better job of conserving energy. However you feel about the politics of energy and the situation surrounding the climate, you can save money by saving power. Teaching your kids to save energy will not only help you save energy and money, it will teach your kids to be better people who live more consciously and sustainably.