Teaching Your Child Healthy Hair Care Habits

Children are curious and naturally prone to learning which is great. Utilizing your child’s curiousness is also a great way to teach them manners and habits that they’ll keep using in adulthood. Hair care habits are important because having clean, well-maintained hair is the norm in society, so the sooner the child learns about that, the better for them. Therefore, without further ado, here are some healthy hair care habits that you should teach to your child.

1. It all starts with washing hair 

Sometimes, kids will rebel against washing their hair. This is often due to shampoo getting in their eyes and hurting them. Therefore, before you wash your child’s hair make sure to get a gentle shampoo, preferably sulfate-free. That way, the kids won’t resist hair washing that much. Also, if your child is old enough, try showing them how to properly wash and rinse out the shampoo. After you explain or show, ask them to do it alone, but make sure to supervise them. Knowing how to wash hair independently is an important hair care habit that every able-bodied child needs to know as soon as they’re old enough.

2. A good hairdresser matters a lot 

Some parents prefer to be hairdressers as well, and that is fine, as long as they know what they’re doing. But, if cutting your kid’s locks isn’t your idea of fine, that’s also great. In that case, taking your child to a reliable and kid-friendly hairdresser is a great way to show them the importance of personal grooming. Sometimes, getting some professional help and pampering yourself is amazing, and it’s important to teach your kid that as well. 

3. Make your kid fall in love with their hair 

If your kid has curly hair, and your hair is straight, that might be an issue for you, simply due to lack of experience. If that’s the case with your child, then it’s important to make your kid fall in love with their natural hair texture. Therefore, finding useful hair guides that suit your kid’s specific hair type is the best way to get educated on the topic. Also, being considerate, gentle, and patient with your kid’s hair is going to instill a lot of self-esteem in the future. Plus, when your child is aware of their natural hair and its characteristics, they won’t have issues with adopting healthy hair care habits. 

4. Don’t hesitate to shop for cute hair products and accessories

You probably own a kids’ shampoo right now. Maybe even a conditioner. But, in order to make your kid become more invested in their own hair care, then don’t hesitate to shop for various hair products together. So next time you’re going shopping with your child, feel free to buy a nice shampoo and conditioner, appropriate for their age, and their hair type, of course. The same goes for various hair accessories, such as elastic ties, ribbons, clips, and ponytail holders. There are so many accessories to pick from, so let your kid have fun with picking those that appeal to them the most. 

5. Make sure your child is hydrated 

Hydration matters, as it contributes to overall mental and physical wellbeing. But drinking enough water is also crucial for hair health. Lack of hydration can also lead to dehydrated and dry scalp, so next time your kid feels thirsty, it’s better to give them a glass of water, rather than a soda or juice!

Final thoughts 

Hair is an important part of one’s body and identity, and healthy hair care habits should start in childhood. That’s why a parent should do their best to show their kid how to care for their hair properly. Following these tips and leading by example are sure ways to show your kid how to have healthy and pretty hair.