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Tips For Carving Out Some Alone Time As A Single Dad

Being a father is one of the greatest blessings in the world. You get to experience the joys and adventures of parenthood; the privilege of helping to shape and mold your child’s life. Still, being a single father comes with its own unique set of challenges with one of the biggest challenges is finding time for yourself.

It’s important to carve out some “me time” now and then to stay sane and keep your life in balance. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Wake up Earlier

There's a reason early mornings are associated with peacefulness and serenity. The world is just starting to stir and you have the chance to get things done before everyone else is up and about.

Use this time to do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading a book, going for a run, or just sitting down with a cup of coffee and your thoughts. You’ll start your day feeling refreshed and accomplished.

Take Advantage of Naptime

If your child is still young enough to take naps, that's good news for you! 

Use this time to do something for yourself. Take a break from being “on” all the time and use this opportunity to relax and rejuvenate.

Read a book, take a nap yourself, or just enjoy some peace and quiet. You’ll be glad you did when your little one wakes up full of energy and ready to take on the world.

Sign Your Kid Up for Some Classes or Activities

Do you have a budding artist or athlete on your hands? Is your child always dancing happily around the house?

Enrolling your child in classes or activities is an excellent way to give your child the chance to explore their interests. And as a bonus, you get some time to yourself while they’re busy learning and growing.

Classes and activities usually take place during the daytime, so you can use this time to run errands, meet up with friends, or just enjoy some time for yourself.

Let Friends and Family Help

Sometimes, it's tempting to try to do everything on your own. But it's important to remember that you don't have to do everything alone.

Friends and family members can be great resources when you're trying to find some time for yourself. Grandparents especially are famously eager babysitters and your kid will be doted on at home or their assisted living facility.

So ask your loved ones to watch your child for a couple of hours so you can take some time for yourself. You’ll be surprised how willing they are to help and how grateful you’ll be for the break.

Being a single father doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your happiness. With a little bit of planning and some help from friends and family, you can find the time you need to recharge and refresh. And your child will benefit from seeing you take care of yourself, too.