Tips On Obtaining New Work Skills


1. Take Online Courses


It definitely isn't necessary to always obtain a degree but sometimes it is needed. People ask me quite often if they should go to grad school to earn an MBA or another graduate degree. Before doing this, I always recommend that they check to see what is available to them online. This is much more affordable than returning to grad school. I first would check at a website such as where you can obtain access to thousands of different subjects for a single low monthly fee. In the past, I have used (you can use this link for a free 10-day trial) for learning marketing, the legal aspects of operating a business, building a website, and social media. You can review our courses page in order to learn new things as well!  Remember though you must exclude irrelevant information from your resume so make sure your new skills are highly relevant.


2. Volunteer


Volunteering for a project can help to demonstrate that you have the necessary experience that can be added to your resume. Participating in volunteer work can help to broaden your exposure and experience in ways that work doesn't or cannot.  

Volunteering goes beyond keeping you healthy and help communities. It helps you do a better job as well. It was revealed by the United Health Care survey that volunteering offers employees with many important benefits, including improved people skills and better time management. 


3. Internships 

If you want to develop new skills while learning about a specific career as well, considering exploring internship experiences in the field. It will provide you with valuable industry insights and important work experience. This will also give you the opportunity to network with various professionals within the field, who can serve later as references or inform you about job openings.


4. Start a Side Business or Blog  

Starting a side business or blog helps you learn the necessary skills that you need for your dream job and can be added to your resume. That is precisely when I did when I was looking for a job and wanting to change industries. At that time, my current employer did not believe I had the required experience so I started a blog and business to get the required experience so that I could make the change in career that I was interested in.


5. Work With a Mentor 

It can be helpful to build a relationship with a coach or mentor in your career field to learn more about an industry from a person who has direct experience. Having the right mentor can provide you with valuable advice and realistic insight on how to achieve your career goals and provide you with guidance on the path towards success within your field. At times it can be very helpful to have a bit of extra support and guidance.