Want To Reach Your Fitness Goals? Here Is The Solution


Undoubtedly, being active and exercising regularly has shown countless health benefits. It not only improves your overall well-being but also plays a vital role in building muscle and bones. From your health to the mind and the body, it has the potential to decrease the risk for various health conditions.  

In fact, it is medically proven that people who exercise daily have a lower risk of heart diseases, colon cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Not only this, it enables you to live longer by fighting depression and reducing the feeling of anxiety. It can improve nearly every aspect of life. Don’t you think, not getting involved in physical activity is compromising your health? If you want to have life-altering benefits, you should not give a second thought to find the time to exercise.

For a comprehensive and tailored fitness experience, explore the benefits of incorporating a personal trainer into your routine, like the experts you can find at https://ironlab.ca/ who will quickly become your partners in achieving optimal health and fitness. A skilled personal trainer will prevent you from making time-consuming errors in your fitness planning, and will give you the motivation that you need on your journey to better physical health.

Which form of exercise to choose?

The good news is that there are plenty of options and types of physical activities that you can choose according to your preferences. Swimming, running, jogging, walking, and dancing, are just a few to name. However, joining a gym gives you an opportunity to exercise in different ways.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that it is essential to get involved in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout and 75 minutes of aerobic activity. Also, one should consider adding two or three days for strength training.

You might think that these are an abundance of exercises and quite impractical to perform. But, this is just a misconception. With gym and personal training, you can easily disseminate these minutes over the course of a week and fit them in. Keep reading to know about the different types of exercises that you can do in a gym.

Types of exercise in the Gym

●     Cardio: Activities such as running, jogging, swimming, dancing, boxing, and all similar activities are known as cardio exercises. Almost every gym has cardio equipment including treadmills, climbers, indoor cycling, rowing machines, spin bikes, recumbent bikes, and ellipticals to build your endurance. According to the fitness experts, getting 30 minutes of cardio from three to five days a week increases mental functioning. Also, if you want to reduce the injury risks and maximize effectiveness, you should consider hiring a personal trainer.


●     Lifting Weights: Lifting heavy weights can result in the production of the hormones IGF-1, which enhances cognitive performance. The strength training equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, strength machines helps in transforming the physique and making it leaner and toned. The best part about weight training is that it focuses on a full-body workout with each muscle group, making your bones stronger and healthy. Some of the best examples of resistance training are pull-ups, push-ups, side planks, straight leg raises, internal and external rotation. Make sure that you focus on the right posture for each exercise. And, if you are not well-versed with the right posture, a personal trainer can help you in teaching everything that you need to know about a particular exercise.


●     Fitness classes: By joining a gym you get access to fitness classes. The fitness classes are a very interesting part of the gym workouts. These sessions are specially designed to shed that extra kilo while working on your strength training and endurance training. The goal is still the same i.e to control weight. The only thing that is changed in this session is the form of exercise. In other words, it will be a rock out than a workout. Some common types of sessions are circuit training, aqua fitness, dance classes, and core power yoga.  


●     Other recreational activities: So far, you probably believe that doing gym is all about exercising under one roof. Having a gym membership allows you to get involved in recreational activities such as park workouts, to make your fat loss journey fun. You can swap these activities with your regular and cardio workouts. Research shows that exercising in an open environment releases endorphins that enable an individual to ease stress.  In addition to it, open space workout helps in improving concentration, enhancing self-esteem, and restoring mental fatigue. Other activities that fitness centers offer are boot camps, trekking, basketball, pickleball, water sports, decathlon and so much more.

●     Static Stretching: With aging, our muscles become inflexible. And, inflexibility in muscles can increase the risk of muscular and joint injuries. Thus, to avoid this situation, the gym offers static stretching.  Static stretching decreases the pain throughout the body by lowering down the cortisol levels. The cortisol levels are a great factor that can help you to decrease your body’s overall fat percentage. It is usually performed before or after exercise to lengthen the body’s flexibility. Always remember that you warm up before stretching to reduce the risk of muscle injury. Some of the common ways to do stretching are toe-touches, head extension, head flexion, and some yoga pose.


Cater to your personal requirements with a personal trainer: A personal trainer is so much more than a fitness coach. They not only provide you with customized diet plans but also improve your mental health by guiding you through stress-relieving exercises. Just make sure your Personal Trainer is certified and their registration is current (Personal Trainers need to complete a certain amount of Personal Training CEU courses each year to keep their registration). A study has shown that it is impossible to get strength improvements without proper training. They make sure that they coach you, push you, motivate you that you can do on your own. With them, you don’t have to worry about the fixed workout schedule. Be it early morning, evening, indoor or outdoor, you get the freedom to create your own schedule. Besides, there are a lot of benefits of hiring a personal trainer which includes:

●       Evaluation of your current program

●       Finding out the right activities

●       Knowledge about different types of exercises and equipment

●       Be a workout partner

●       Teach you about muscles

●       Keeping you in line and avoiding injury 


Joining a gym not only enables you to do your favorite form of exercise but also does wonders for your health. However, not performing them appropriately can have negative effects. If you are exercising regularly, make sure that you pay attention to the symptoms that result in excess fatigue and a decrease in your performance. If you see any such symptoms, consider getting guidance from the experts.