Watch Out For These Common Roof Problems

It’s more than fair to say that your home’s roof takes an awful lot of punishment. From severe heat, to rain and wind, there are certain times of the year when your roof is subjected to the very worst that the climate can throw at it. The problem with our roofs is that we barely give them a second thought unless water is pouring into our homes or we notice a hole or a loose tile from outside of the property. You service your car, you look after your garage, pool and garden, why do we pay so little attention to our roofs?


Regular Roof Inspections Can Save you Time and Money


Roofs should be inspected from time to time to nip any small problems in the bud before they turn into major, potentially very expensive problems. Sydney roofing contractors and other roofing specialists throughout the country urge homeowners to get their roof checked for a nominal fee each year but most people sadly ignore this advice and contact the roofing contractors only when they experience a real problem. It’s not just the cost of repairs, it’s the sheer inconvenience for the homeowners. So if you are formulating a checklist of maintenance jobs for your home before autumn, why not give your local roofing specialist a call to give your roof the once over? Common problems spotted during a roof inspection that can be rectified relatively easily include but are not limited to:


●       Damage from Trees – This is a common problem that can potentially affect any home in close proximity to trees. It is prudent to engage the services of an experienced tree surgeon who will be able to trim any branches that have the potential to damage your roof.

●       Pooling Water – A roof that pools water is a sure-fire indicator that something is wrong. Functioning roofs allow rainwater to drain off the roof into the guttering. If this problem is caught early enough, it can be rectified reasonably quickly. 

●       Problems caused by Faulty Installation – This is the main cause of roof problems – check the credentials of any tradesperson working on any part of your home before you hire them.

●       Blocked Guttering – Bad drainage can have devastating effects on your roof but is so easily avoidable by setting up a regular maintenance schedule with your roofing contractor.

●       Moisture and Water Damage – If moisture seeps through your roof via cracked or missing tiles, it is essential to get expert help as soon as possible. This is not something that will just go away. In fact, it will get worse. This kind of problem is easily identified during the course of a roof inspection.

●       Inadequate Ventilation – A poorly ventilated roof can lead to mould and mildew, have an effect on your energy costs or in a worst-case scenario be unhealthy for those sleeping in a loft conversion.


These are just a few of the problems that can affect your roof. Arranging a regular inspection with experienced roofing specialists can prevent these problems escalating and causing long term damage.