What Makes Someone An Ideal Candidate For A Male Facelift?

Although the patient population for plastic surgery was originally and continues to be dominated by women, statistics show that an increasing number of male patients have also been opting for surgical or minimally invasive procedures in the last few years to enhance their appearance. Indeed, statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that there was a 27 percent increase in male cosmetic treatments between 2000 and 2019. Male patients seem to not talk about their procedures as openly as female patients, but more media mentions indicate that there is now less stigma overall surrounding male plastic surgery. When it comes to facelifts, Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute team, which includes Dr. Mo Zakhireh, understands that men have their own unique preferences that often differ from the goals that female patients tend to have.

For instance, men might want to look like a refreshed version of themselves, while still preserving subtle, natural-looking, and even “rugged” results rather than getting a more youthful appearance. Male patients also may not be as specific about what they want, not ask as many questions as women do, and prefer a shorter recovery time. Because many surgeons are more familiar with female patients, it’s a good idea to choose a plastic surgeon who is very experienced with performing male facelifts and understands the necessary anatomical differences while also having a strong aesthetic style.

The condition of men’s skin and the way it responds to aging differs from women because it is thicker and has a more robust blood supply, so is less likely to become stretched out. Men’s facial muscles also tend to be thicker, and the underlying facial tissue is stronger. It’s more challenging to hide surgical scars on men, who tend to not use makeup or wear their hair long so that it can hide parts of their face.

Surgeons performing facelifts on men need to consider hair growth, where the patient’s hairline is located, the presence and length of sideburns, where beard-growing skin is located, the presence of any scars on the face or neck, and other factors when assessing patients for the surgery.

With all of that in mind, men may be considered good candidates for facelift surgery if they:

Want to Turn Back the Clock

There’s no perfect time to have a facelift; the majority of patients that some plastic surgeons see for this procedure are in their 50s and 60s, but some patients choose to have one earlier in life— during their 30s or 40s. Patients can even have a facelift after the age of 75 if they choose to. Anyone who simply wants to look younger and is bothered by loose skin on the lower part of the face could potentially be a good candidate.

Are in Good Health

The modern techniques used for facelifts are generally very safe, but patients still need to consider whether they’re healthy enough for surgery and don’t have any chronic or serious illnesses that could make the operation riskier or delay healing. Patients with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or other conditions might not be able to have plastic surgery, and should choose a different option instead. Some people may not be able to handle going under general anesthesia or might have difficulty maintaining a stable weight after surgery.

The best thing you can do is have a medical evaluation with your surgeon prior to the day of the procedure and get testing done if you need to. It’s also essential that facelift candidates are in a good mental and psychological state, retain realistic expectations, and stay motivated.

Have a Certain Body Type

Facelifts are deemed to be best for male patients who naturally have a powerful, angular facial bone structure, a thin layer of fat on the face and below the chin, and skin that is smooth without deep wrinkles, pronounced skin folds, or sun damage.

If you think facial plastic surgery might be the best option for you, discussing the procedure with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help you to know for sure whether you make a suitable candidate. Talk with the team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute about what’s involved in having a facelift in Palm Desert. Call them at (760) 837-0364, or submit a contact form to request an appointment.