What You Need To Know About Redoing Your Living Room

You create precious memories in your living room. You’ll want to preserve those moments in photographs — what’s in the background? Could your decor use a loving touch? 

The beauty part about sprucing up your family space is that you rarely need to call in a professional. Why not get your DIY groove on and spruce up your space? Here’s what you need to know about redoing your living room.

1. From the Ground Up  

Many factors influence what type of flooring you use in your living area. Ask yourself the following questions before making your selection:

●     Do you have (or plan to have) young children? If you have crawling toddlers, consider which surfaces are kindest to their little knees.

●     Does anyone in your family have mobility challenges? Some surfaces are easier to push a walker or wheelchair across than others.

●     What is my upkeep tolerance? Some surfaces wipe clean with a quick sweep, while others require ongoing maintenance.

●     How long do I want my new floor to last? Some materials, like hardwood, can last for generations when properly cared for, while carpet and linoleum need more frequent replacement.

●     What is my budget? In general, the hardier the material, the more you will pay upfront.  

Parents of young children might want to opt for carpet because of the softness factor against their children’s skin. This material also helps to muffle noise, useful if you live on the second or third floor of a multi-story dwelling. Your downstairs neighbors might not appreciate the pitter-patter of little feet like you do.  

However, surfaces like solid wood, veneers and laminates work best for those with mobility issues. It makes it easier to push a walker or wheelchair, plus you can more readily slide furniture out of the way in crowded areas. Most are also relatively easy to repair if scratches later appear.

2. A Dash of Color  

Are you tired of looking at the same four beige or ecru-colored walls? You can transform the entire mood and feel of your living room with a splash of color.  

You have multiple options. One is adding an accent wall. Don’t think paint is your only option. You can make a striking focal point with a few wooden panels or brick or stone. Of course, you could also go with an artistic mural if you’re a regular Michelangelo and your living room is your Sistine Chapel.  

Keep in mind that color also has the power to influence your mood. If you want to create more energy in your home, why not paint your walls a pale yellow hue? Is your casa a study in chaos? Opting for a light green or blue can create a cool, calm feel.

3. A Place for Everything  

One of the biggest challenges growing families face is where to put everything. You might not notice the flurry of toys lying everywhere like a thin dusting of snow — until the doorbell unexpectedly rings.  

Have no fear of drop-in visitors with the right organizing solutions. One trick you have starts with your choice of furnishings. You can pick up storage ottomans relatively inexpensively and in fabrics that match any decor. These make the perfect place for you to stash your child’s playthings in a jiffy.  

A set of hanging baskets can likewise become a busy mom’s best friend. The tree itself lends a rustic farmhouse look to your decor. The containers provide ample space for stashing anything from Legos to bits of yarn from your latest knitting project. Do you have a more contemporary look to your pad? A set of decorated hat boxes on a pair of boxy wall shelves serves the same purpose.

4. Let There Be Light  

Are your windows still covered with heavy, dark curtains? While these may make it possible to watch movies during the day, they can give your home a funeral-like appearance. Instead, why not take advantage of natural light by replacing them with a gauzy set that doesn’t block the sun?  

Another option is getting rid of curtains altogether and going with tinted window film that allows you to see out without letting passersby see inside. Doing so could protect your furnishings and floor from damaging UV radiation while giving your home a more open, airy feel.

Eventually, the sun will set, and you’ll need lamps. Instead of a bright overhead, why not go with various table lamps that direct illumination only where you need it? You could potentially save money on your electric bill while creating ambiance.

5. The Personal Touch Means So Much 

Your home is your pride and your castle — let your personality shine in your decor. Why not line one wall with family photographs in various sizes? You can match your frames or take a more eclectic approach. You could even paint any existing frames you have to make a matching set.  

Houseplants can improve your indoor air quality. NASA proved this fact way back in the 1980s. If you’re hopeless at keeping anything alive, try hardy species like succulents that require minimal care.  

Fragrance can likewise transform your mood, so why not add a bit of aromatherapy? You can pick up a mister for around $20. Scents such as lavender help you relax, while citrusy tones energize you.

Everything You Need to Know About Redoing Your Living Room

You can tackle many living room improvement projects with nothing more than a little DIY. Now that you know what you must, why not improve the busiest spot in your house?