Why Italian Citizenship By Descent Could Be Your Best Option

Immigration is no longer a one-way road in the US. While people from around the world chase the American dream, US citizens look for dual citizenship options. Italy is a popular one as thousands of Americans trace their roots to the country. The good thing is that they can leverage the citizenship by descent route to reclaim their rights and move back to their roots. If you have an Italian bloodline, you may want to explore the option sooner or later. Here a great explanation is provided by the team of ItalianCitizenshipbyDescent.com to understand the route better. Let us explain why it could be the best option for you and your family.

You get a fresh start in an incredible country

Italy is an incredible country to live in as it offers a mix of a pleasant climate, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture. It also has one of the best education and healthcare systems in the EU. An Italian second passport enables you to travel visa-free around the EU. The best part of claiming citizenship by descent is that you get to live and work in the land of your ancestors. Not to mention, you can join your family and relatives in the country you come from. You even get to pass the citizenship rights to your children and the next generations automatically.

Liberal eligibility norms

Eligibility requirements for Italian citizenship by descent are fairly liberal. You can apply as a biological or adopted child, provided your Italian parent adopted you as a minor. There are no generational limits for claiming your rights, and you can apply through anyone in your ancestral line. As long as you can validate your roots, there isn't a concern about the relative you want to apply through. But you must ensure that they were an Italian citizen when the country unified in 1861. Also, they shouldn't have been naturalized in a foreign country before the birth of the next person in line. Those applying through a female ancestor must ensure she gave birth before 1948.

A simple process

Having Italian roots gives you an advantage, as you can claim via the descent route. It is perhaps the simplest among all other citizenship routes, so you must surely capitalize. You only have to gather documents as evidence of your bloodline in the country. Even better, you can hire an Italian citizenship expert to help you with the process. You will need some more documents, along with translated and apostilled copies. Once you have all the paperwork ready, consider half the work done. You can apply at your local consulate instead of traveling to Italy. All you have to do is wait for your turn, and you will get your citizenship if your documents are valid.

Citizenship by descent is the best alternative for anyone having an Italian bloodline. It is simple and straightforward, and all you need is valid documents and some patience. You only have to invest in a one-time effort, and the benefits pass on to the next in your family.