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Worried About Job Security? Here's How To Cope

Many of us go through life, worrying about our job security. We fear the day when our source of income is taken away from us, leaving us (in our minds) destitute and unable to look after our families

Are you worried about job security at the moment? If so, this post is for you. In it, we discuss some of the things that you can do if you fear that your job might be on the line. We also talk about how to manage psychologically so you don’t create a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Be More Proactive In Managing Your Career

Does your career feel like it’s happening to you or for you? If it’s the former, that can be an anxiety-provoking place to be. You feel like your job security is utterly dependent on the people around you. 

Try being more proactive in your career. Create situations in which firms will find it difficult to replace you if you were to leave. Also look for alternative ways to sell your skills. Do you have to work for a single firm or can you sell your skills and services to many? 

Protect Yourself Legally

If you’ve moved to another country for a job, work with an immigration attorney from the start. They’ll be able to update you on your progress and ensure that you are completing milestones as you should. 

Focus On What You Can Control

When your job is on the line, you don’t always feel in control of the situation. Events seem like they are taking a course of their own, regardless of what you want. 

In situations like this, focus on what you can control. Remember, if you’ve had a job in the past, it means that you’ve gained experience and skills that you can use somewhere else in the future. You’re not going to remain unemployed for long, even if the transition is painful. 

Build Up A Cash Pile

Forget expensive homes, fast cars and vacations: if you’re the sort of person who worries about money, your priority should be financial security, always. After all, you’re not worried about losing the job itself. Instead, the main fear is that you won’t be getting money into your account every month. 

To prevent this, use the time you’re working now to build a cash pile and invest it in assets that will provide you with a second income stream. If you need to, cut back on your spending, do so. 

Revise Your Career Plan

Another thing you can do is change your career plan. Remember, things will almost certainly not turn out the way you planned. You might think that there is some predictability, but in many industries, there isn’t. 

Don’t be afraid to switch up how you view the future of your working life. Perhaps you could work on building up funds today so that you can launch a service or company of your own in the future. 

So there you have it: some of the ways that you can cope with uncertain job security. Which of these methods will you try?