3 Advantages Of Getting Your Kid Summer Tutoring

School has changed a lot since we were kids! Now students do a lot more on the computer, there's something called "new math," and it's harder than ever for kids to pay attention in class, thanks to our general shortened attention spans.

And while kids are adaptable, it's your job as a parent to make sure they're doing the best they can in school. If your child was struggling this year, or you're afraid they're not ready to go up a grade, summer tutoring may be the right answer.

Yes, they'll fight you on it, but they'll thank you in the long run. Great summer tutoring could be the difference between having to hold your child back a year and letting them level up with their friends.

Learn other benefits below.

1. Tutoring Over the Summer Increases Retention

Did you know that we forget anywhere from 50-80% of what we learn within 24 hours? That's not an exaggeration. It comes from a well-proven phenomenon called the "forgetting curve."

And if we forget that much within a day, imagine how much your child could forget over the summer! Getting your child tutoring is a great way to help them retain what they learned in the previous year, so they can start next year strong.

2. It Gives Them Structure

Any parent knows the ever-present, whiny shrill of their child saying "I'm bored" during summer break. In fact, you may even notice your child misbehaves more while they're home with you, or acts out.

While some of that is based on behavioral issues, some of it is a lack of structure. Children have daily schedules at school, which helps them organize their day and know what behavior to use and when.

Bringing your child to tutoring over the summer can help provide some of that structure they're missing. Plus, it gives you an hour or more of time without them to run errands or take a well-deserved break!

3. It Improves Their Grades

If your child got low grades last year, you're likely worried about what that means for their future. But you may not be the only one who's concerned. Students with lower grades have worse self-esteem than their peers, affecting their academic performance even more!

Instead of pushing them to do better without giving them any tools or guidance on how to do that, get them tutoring over the summer. Tutors can work with your child to improve their confidence and performance in any subject.

Summer Tutoring: A Great Choice for Any Family

If you're starting to plan your child's activities this summer, think about investing in a tutor. They're more affordable than you'd think and a great way to set your child up for success.

Summer tutoring is impactful, helps increase your child's confidence, improves their academic performance, and gives them a screen-free activity. We all want our children to have more of those!

Consider tutoring over the summer for your child. For more child-raising tips written just for dads, tutor yourself with our blog!