6 Ways To Make Your House Feel Like Home

There aren't specific rules and patterns that can show each individual what the meaning of "home" really is. Home should be the place where you feel most loving, comfortable, and relaxing, it's the place where your "heart" is. Hence, the first place to implement the homey feel is (logically) the house. A house is a place you will spend most of your free time, and it should feel and smell like the place where you grew up. No matter where you live now, whether it's an apartment, lobby, detached house, or mountain cabin, here are some practical and dazzling ways to spruce it up and make it feel like a home.


1. Make it comfy and welcoming 

You should strive to create an ambient that resembles your childhood home, where you felt most yourself, relaxed and free. Creating a place where everybody, especially you, would feel balanced, re-energized, and welcomed after a hard-working day is not an easy task. But not an impossible one. Start by getting a cozy couch or sofa, place fluffy patterned cushions, put a velvet throw blanket, and just unwind. Simple as that.


2. Display hand-crafted art 

Empty walls are a sign of boredom and problem. It's perfectly normal to hang art the moment you step into your new place. The first choice should be gorgeously framed family photos that will boost your mood the moment you step into the house. The next choice should be something genuine and hand-crafted like the carved animal skull which you can find at Skull Bliss shop. Hanging authentic and original art pieces add personality and enhance your unique character, but it can even reduce stress by constantly looking at something so beautiful. In the holiday season, personalize your Christmas ornaments with family photographs. You can do this very easily using an online service like Polar X Ornaments.


3. Place lavish greeneries 

The easiest way to home-up your house and the most ravishing decorating hack is placing some living things. Plants and planters are a great way to revive the entire house and make it feel more cohesive and joyous. Stress can cause a lot of problems, so adding air-purifying plants can uplift your spirit and enliven all your senses, which is rather crucial after a demanding day at work. By putting on a luscious plant you would also have a companion to look after, so you would never feel alone.


4. Live up to your senses 

Besides the sight, our noses tend to remember the homey vibe the most. Instead of just reminiscing that special feeling, incorporate the home-based notion into your home by various smells. Don't just make your home smell nice, on the contrary, make it smell familiar and welcoming. Feel free to bake some delicious delights like your grandma used to do, or place aromatherapy diffusers that reminisce home. Lighting scented candles is another fantastic option to live up to your senses and make an inviting atmosphere.


5. De-clutter 

Nobody expects everything to sparkling clean, but a messy house is a sign of a messy life. Keeping the rooms tidy, sorting out the mess, and maintaining a clean and clutter-free space will create a peaceful ambient that everybody likes to spend time in. Also, don't make the place too uptight and sterile as that would create a contrasting effect. Only make sure that you keep a regular cleaning routine and put back each ornament, book, or socks in its place.


6. Go for warm hues 

Colors play a vital role in creating a stunning versus appalling atmosphere. Just like you should aim to place soft and snuggle-worthy materials, you might want to surround yourself with warm and earthy tones. Cream, beige, off-white, and cappuccino are ideal hues for creating a meticulous homey vibe. Form bedding accessories, curtains, table cloths, to throw blankets, rug, and picture frames. A gentle amount of warm colors will be like medicine to sore eyes, plus you will create a serene ambient you'd adore coming back to.


Instead of having just a place where you’d crash after a long day, create an exquisite ambient that will capture the “home” feelings and make you feel relaxed and revived.