7 Tips For Raising Healthy, Active Children

© Oksun70

You can read every parenting book on the shelf to figure out how to answer all of their questions, but the reality is that kids pay more attention to what you do than what you say. Children follow their parents’ example, and your actions provide a guide for how your children might live their lives. 

Recognizing this, it’s important be mindful of the choices you make in your life. If you make health and fitness a top priority, your children will be more likely to adopt an active lifestyle for themselves. 

Here are 7 tips to raise healthy, active children:


1.      Create a Family-Friendly Exercise Routine 

It's great if your kids see you heading to the gym in the early hours of the morning or catch you working out in the basement before they head to bed. However, it's even better if you can get them involved in your exercise routine, but make sure that the exercises are age appropriate. You could try taking a light jog around the neighborhood or pulling up a fun dance video in the living room.


2.      Snack With Your Children — And Make Good Choices Together 

Every dad knows that if there is one thing that kids of all ages love, it's snacks. The next time your little ones are hungry, grab a snack together. Give them a selection of colorful, nutritious choices such as carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter or apple slices with cheese cubes. If you pick a similar snack, your child is more likely to be interested in the healthy options.


3.      Bring Your Kids to the Grocery Store 

Heading to the grocery store with your kids can be an adventure, but it doesn't have to be a chore. If you involve children in the shopping, you can show them how many healthy choices are available. Rather than allowing them to pick out their favorite bag of potato chips, send them on a rainbow scavenger hunt in the produce section. Challenge them to find foods in every color of the rainbow, and then you can look for recipes together that include those fruits and vegetables.


4.      Play Backyard Games to Keep Kids Active 

It's easy to sit down after dinner and watch a family friendly TV show. Instead, take those precious hours before bedtime and get active with your kids. A quick game of Simon Says can get your children moving. Organize a backyard soccer competition to raise those heart rates. Not only will you have fun, but you’ll also make lasting memories.


5.      Walk or Ride Bikes to School 

If at all possible, make time to walk to school or ride bikes together. You can enjoy these activities even if the temperatures drop or the wind starts to blow. If you can't fit in fitness on the way to school, consider walking or biking as an alternative when heading to the store or a local park.


6.      Let Your Kids Help Cook Dinner 

Your kids may be less likely to push the food around their plates if they are involved in making the meal. Get them invested in what they eat by involving them in the process. Even young children can help wash vegetables or butter some bread. This is a great way to teach them life skills and encourage them to try new foods.


7.      Make Sure Your Plate is Perfectly Portioned 

If you want kids to eat healthy, you have to set the example. When you serve yourself, take appropriate portions of a variety of foods. You can't avoid those vegetables, either. 

When you lead the way by making good choices, your children are likely to grow up understanding the importance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. A treat every now and then is fine but try to show your kids that eating healthy and staying active can be a lot of fun. What other ideas do you have for raising healthy, active kids?


Author bio: Kids Car Donations is a national organization that accepts vehicle donations to better the lives of children. The organization partners with a number of well-known nonprofits serving children and teens who are confronted with physical, mental and emotional challenges to provide the care they need.