7 Tips To Make Homemade Baby Bibs For Your Toddler

Shopping for a newborn is not an easy task. Parents often spend a hefty amount on the furniture, clothes, toys, blankets, etc. Yet, many of them forget to purchase the most underrated piece of clothing in bulk.

Yes, the bibs. A baby bib is a great asset for both the parents and the babies. By the time the baby has turned 3 months old, he’ll be needing ample supply of these bibs. It not only absorbs the drool and spits, but also protects the little one’s outfit from getting dirty.

If we talk about toddlers, they too need the bibs more than anyone. Mealtime means that smearing the food that they eat on their clothes is a must. A baby bib comes handy to solve this problem.

It lets the toddler enjoy his mealtime and parents don’t have to worry about the clothes getting dirty.

There are a variety of bibs, dummies, and accessories available in the market. Gone are those days when the bib used to come in one boring shape and a limited choice for colors. Now, there are multiple kinds of bibs with bright and happy colors, and accessories or dummies attached to it.

But, as mentioned above, that bibs need to be in unlimited supply. You cannot make the child wear wet and dirty bib, can you?

Has the thought of making baby bibs at home crossed your mind? If the answer is yes, then good job. A virtual pat on your shoulder.

Making bibs at home has his own benefits. You can customize it just the way you want. Do you know what the best part is? You will not only sew a bib but also wove your love with each stitch. Also, did we mention that you can save a few dollars too. Making bibs at home is an excellent idea and you can make it any color, size, and shape.

Below we have gathered 7 tips that will help you to make bibs for your toddler at home. These tips will help you to make the coolest and useful bibs for your toddlers. Don’t worry if your child has outgrown the age of wearing the bibs, you can still make them as a Christmas gift or a baby shower gift. The receiver of the gift is sure to be delighted.

So, without any further delay, let’s begin. 


1.   Choosing the right fabric 

The first step in making a baby bib at home is to select the right fabric for the bib. Make sure the fabric that you select is soft and will not irritate the sensitive skin of the toddler. Check if the fabric that you’ve selected is absorbent or not. Also, if a baby sleeps longer with their bibs on it reduces the chances of rash or allergy on the baby skin.

Bibs act like a shield for the outfit of the baby. It literally absorbs everything. Therefore, make sure that the fabric which you have selected is absorbent.

Following is the list of the fabrics that you can use for making a baby bib:

a.    Lawn Cotton

This fabric is super light and soft. It is made from fine thread and hence, it is breathable. Choosing lawn cotton for bibs is a good choice because the lawn dries faster than any other fabric. So, if the bib gets wet or dirty, you don’t have to worry. It will quickly dry up in no time.

b.    Muslin

It is the number 1 choice for making bibs, burp cloths, cloth diaper covers, etc. Muslin is again very breathable and easily available in the market. However, muslin is not a very fancy fabric. Bibs made out of muslin is great for everyday use.

c.    Jersey Knit Fabric

Very stretchable, soft, and light. Using this material for bibs is a wise choice if the baby is in a habit of pulling the bibs and taking them off. This material will ensure that the baby gets the pleasure in pulling without the bib coming off his neck.

Jersey fabric is not suitable if the child easily develops rashes or skin allergies.

d.    Microfiber Fabrics

This is an ideal choice for the bibs if the baby has sensitive skin. This fabric is ultra-soft and non-allergic.

e.    Waterproof Fabrics

If you don’t want to spend your entire day washing the fabric, then waterproof bibs are here to save you. Waterproof fabrics don’t absorb the liquids. Hence, making it easier for you to clean the bibs just by wiping it with a damp cloth.

That’s why silicon bibs are rated no.1 by the mothers. So, go ahead and make the best silicone bibs for babies.

2.   Choose the right type 

Baby bibs serve an important purpose to keep the skin and the outfit of the baby dry and clean. Not choosing the right type of bib will not only make the baby uncomfortable but will also increase the chances of developing a rash or allergy on the skin.

Following are a few types of the bibs: 

a.    Drool Bibs

The ones which are used the most. It is worn by the babies for most of their day.

b.    Feeding Bibs

A bigger and a longer sized bib used during mealtime. Kids not only eat but also feed their clothes during a mealtime. With a feeding bib you don’t have to worry about the stains and the smeared food.

c.    Silicon Bibs

The answer to keeping your baby dry and his clothes stain free. Out of all the types the best one is the silicon bib.

d.    Bibs with Dummies

The younger ones are curious and inquisitive by nature. They want to savor the flavor of everything around them. To prevent this from happening, make a baby bib with dummies and accessories.

The pacifier attached to the bib will keep your baby busy. You can make toddler bibs with dummies very easily. There are 1000s of tutorials available online.


3.   Prewash the Fabric 

The current pandemic that has turned everything upside down has taught us the importance of washing and cleanliness really well. Hygiene and cleanliness are must for babies. When it comes to the fabric which will be around their neck for numerous hours, it is best to wash them before making the bib.

a.    Lukewarm Water

Soak the fabric in lukewarm water. This will soften the fabric

b.    Mild Detergent

Harsh detergents and cleaners will make the fabric stiff. It will be a trouble to stitch the bib and not to mention super uncomfortable for the baby.

c.    Use an antiseptic liquid

After washing the fabric, soak it in a mixture of antiseptic liquid and water. This will ensure that the fabric is thoroughly cleaned to be used as a bib

4.   Use Templates 

Making bibs for the first time? Don’t worry it’s not difficult. Thanks to the internet for hundreds of templates to select.

Select a template which is suitable and convenient for your baby. Take a print. Cut the template around its outline. Next, place it on the fabric. Leave ½ inch and cut along the outline of the template.

Using the templates will not only save your time but will also help you to make a neat and finished bib for your tiny ones.

5.   Gather Your Supplies 

Make sure before you start making the bib, you have all your supplies with you. Searching and running for supplies will not only make you go crazy but will also lessen your focus on making the perfect bib for your baby.

Make sure you have the following items available with you:

●        Fabric

●        Matching thread or a white thread

●        A pair of sharp scissors

●        A baby bib pattern

●        Iron

●        Sewing Machine or a needle if you are sewing it manually

●        Velcro, snaps, ribbon (or any other option)


6.   Attach Dummies with the Bibs 

Since you are the designer of the bibs, why not make it more enjoyable for your infant and/or toddler? You can add an extra strap to loop the dummy. This will keep the baby engaged and prevent him from tasting everything around him.

Toddler bibs dummies are extensively being used these days. So, follow the trend and make one for your baby too.


7.   Be Careful

Last but definitely not the least. Be careful while you are ironing or stitching the bib. Make sure your little one isn’t around the iron or the needle. Looking at these objects will definitely make him want to help you.

Exercise extra care if you are hand stitching the bib. Also, make certain that once you are finished keep all the supplies back in its place. Scissors, needles, threads, and iron can be hazardous for your toddler.

In a Nutshell 

Making things for your babies has its own joy. You pay extra attention to very detail from selecting the fabric to decorating it, and above all you make it with pure love.

Homemade bibs not only helps you to save a few dollars but also makes sure that your baby’s needs are being met and he is comfortable.

Go ahead and start making bibs for your little one today. We promise that you’ll get an inexpressible pleasure from doing it.