8 Things You Should Know To Live With Your Parent

You might find yourself in a situation where you're living with your parent/s as an adult. Sometimes it could be a choice, but sometimes financial situations change, and you just need somewhere soft to land. Regardless of how you end up living with your parents, there are a few things you should be aware of.

1. Make sure the expectations are clear

When you live on your own, you do everything the way you want to on your timeline. It's important to acknowledge this when you live with your parent. Make sure all the expectations are clear and understood. 

Discuss things like:

  •  if you have visitors, make sure the expectations are clear surrounding what times this is allowed

  • If you're dating, discuss the expectations around that. For example, is your partner allowed to sleepover? Are your parents comfortable with him being around?

  • Make monetary arrangements before moving in. Discuss things like rent, mortgage, utilities, cable, etc.

2. Clean up after yourself

Once you're living with your parent, be aware of the mess you make and clean it up. Think about this in the big picture. 


  • Making your bed

  • Clearing your dishes from the table

  • Cleaning the bathroom habitually

  • Wash the dishes

Whatever you dirtied, clean it up. 

3. Have an open conversation about boundaries

Boundaries are a healthy, vital tool to have. Make sure to have an open conversation about them. Discuss both your parents' boundaries and what yours are so you're both on the same page.

4. Respect personal space

Even though the conversations might feel uncomfortable, it's still essential to have them. Make sure that you respect your parents' personal space and they are yours. This might be a great time to discuss a multifamily real estate property investment.

A multifamily real estate property is a property with more than one unit. Purchasing one is a great way to diversify your real estate portfolio and take advantage of special tax breaks. If you're going to be living with your parents for any actual length of time, this could be a good option. Multi Family homes are an excellent way for families to live together while maintaining their personal space.

5. Remind yourself that living with a parent is not a step backward in life

There are many reasons why one might move back home with their parent(s). 

A few examples are:

  • To save money

  • To help your parents take care of themselves

  • So your parents can help take care of your children

  • Desire to have a more robust family unit

  • Less financial stress

The list can go on and on. Everyone requires something different in life, and moving in with a parent can mean something different to everyone. Unfortunately, society has trained us to believe that we need to move out by a certain age, and if we don't, then there is a sense of shame or guilt attached.

Living with your parent might be the best thing you could do for yourself, and there isn't any shame in that. However, always remember that living with a parent is not a step backward.

6. Do your share of household chores

Make sure that your parents aren't having to go behind you and clean up after you. That can get annoying and very frustrating. Instead, clear and wash dishes, dust, vacuum, etc. Make sure you do your part in all of the chores. 

7. Create and Respect Privacy

Wherever your room or sleeping arrangements are, try to create privacy. If it's not already a defined room, you can purchase a room divider or curtains to separate the space. Make sure that you respect your parents' privacy as well. Don't walk into their room without permission, and don't go digging through bathroom drawers. Stick to your areas and your stuff.

8. Contribute

Whenever and wherever it's possible, make sure to contribute to the household. This includes doing chores, cooking/preparing meals for the family, cutting the lawn, etc. It takes work and effort to take care of a house no matter the size and when an additional person is living in it, everything is being used/touched more. To maintain a happy, healthy relationship with your parent, you must chip in when and where you can. 


  • Chipping in more for rent/mortgage money out of appreciation for your parent allowing you to stay there.

  • Cutting the grass.

  • Shoveling snow.

  • Clean the bathroom when you’re finished in it.

Finally, it's important to note the fantastic things that can come from living with your parent as an adult. It could strengthen your relationship, improve your mental health and create beautiful memories that you'll always cherish. In addition, it might make you feel nostalgic and love your parents even more. 

As adults, we can see and understand how difficult some things are, so living with your parent as an adult, you can practice empathy more and help take care of your parent.