A Beginner’s Guide To Charcoal Grilling

When the snow melts and the summer arrives, the grilling season is at its peak. If you want to start a new barbeque backyard grilling career or if you are one of those who is a pro in grilling, there are always a lot of things to learn about this art form. Grilling takes time and patience with the article of identifying the right ingredients needed to fire up a grill.

There are different kinds of barbeques with some being customized as per the user's requirements, and all these barbeques use different types of fuel to help you get your favourite grilled chicken, these can range from charcoal, wood clippings or pellets, propane or electricity. Charcoal is the most commonly used fuel source in a barbeque, and there are different types of charcoal-like briquettes, hardwood, lump and some all-natural variants. Let us look at some ways in which we can redefine and grasp a better understanding of charcoal grilling.

Getting Charcoal:

If you want to cook on charcoal and are wondering, “how to cook ribs on a charcoal grill,” you will have to get charcoal; basically, there are two types, lumps and briquettes. If you are new to the whole process, then it is best to start out with briquettes as they are easy to handle and keep more of a consistent temperature.

One of the most go-to brands is Kingsford blue, but you can pick anything you want, Walmart and other stores will offer you hundreds of different options. Once you have the fuel sorted out, you will need to have a charcoal grill, suitable for handing high temperatures and bends. You must choose a restaurant which best suits your purpose, if you travel a lot then go for a portable one, always invest well and buy a grill as something you are going to keep for a very long time.

You should also invest in a charcoal chimney, and it is one of the best inventions for a backyard grilling experience. It is one of the most important gadgets which last a long time and is required to fire up your grill. Using a chimney will save you time and a lot of effort on light up the charcoal. There are two ways of lighting up a charcoal chimney, and the first way is using paper, tearing it up into strips and stuffing it in the bottom of the chimney, the other way is to use a wax cube which is a more straightforward way of lighting up the charcoal.

Use of Lighter Fluid:

One of the biggest things to avoid in barbeque grills is the use of lighter fluid, and it is only adequate for lighting a campfire or burning garbage.  Always use a stick lighter instead of using a cigarette light or a matchbox to ignite your chimney; this is an excellent way of saving yourself from accidents. Apart from these, you should also invest in a charcoal rake, although it is not a must, it helps a lot in maintaining the fire, lifting up the old ash, scarping of particles which have stuck to the sides and settling the coal.

Along with the charcoal rake, you should also get a wire brush, and a wire brush works as an abrasive which will help you take out all excess of grease and solidified materials on the insides of the grill. Other equipment includes a wooden scraper to get out the ash and burnt food from the last cook, a long arm spatula which will make it easy to flip burgers from a safe distance without the risk of burning your knuckles.

A pair of good tongs is also a necessity as it will help in holding your meat, arranging it on the grill and putting it on the plate. Some people carry two tongs, one for their raw meat and the other for cooked stuff, you also want to get yourself a decent food thermometer which has an instant-read function, a thermometer is essential when you are cooking more enormous proportions and want to check if the meat is prepared from the inside or not, especially in cases of stakes and briskets.


Before you light up the grill, make sure that vents are open and there is sufficient airflow in the system. Fire up your chimney using paper or wax cubes. When you see that the charcoal has stopped producing smoke and it has started to turn to ash then it is time to dump your charcoal into the grill and start cooking.

If you liked this post but don’t have the proper equipment to grill, make sure to check out this article on the How You Can Grill At Home Without A Grill from our friends at Venchas.com. This article is really helpful if you are living in an apartment and still want to impress your friends with perfectly grilled food (including grill marks) but without the grill.