At-Home Studying Tips

With the current stay-at-home orders in place, many students have to adjust to learning from home. It can be challenging to focus and stay motivated when there are many distractions in the home environment. However, with a few simple tips, you can maximize your productivity while studying at home. Dennis Bonnen discusses some helpful strategies for staying focused while looking remotely. 

Set A Designated Study Space

The first step is to create a designated study space free of distractions and clutter. Try to find an area of your home that is quiet and with limited traffic or outside noise. Make sure this space has good lighting and is comfortable enough to sit for extended periods without feeling uncomfortable or restless. A dedicated workspace will help keep your mind on track as you work through assignments and projects. 

Create A Daily Routine 

It’s crucial to establish a regular daily routine when studying from home. Try setting aside specific times throughout the day for studying and completing assignments. This will allow you to break up your day into manageable chunks, which can help make tasks seem less overwhelming. If possible, try scheduling your study time around breaks, so you have something to look forward to after completing each task. Short breaks throughout the day can help boost your focus and productivity when returning to work after the holiday ends.


Prioritize Your Tasks

Once you have established a routine, it’s important to prioritize tasks based on their importance and due dates. Start by creating a list of all tasks that need completing - this could include reading assignments, essays, lab reports, etc., as well as any extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs. Once this list is compiled, rank each task based on its priority level - this could include things like ‘due date’ or ‘importance.’ Once these tasks are organized appropriately, it becomes easier to plan out which tasks should be completed first in order of importance or due date. Doing this helps save time by ensuring that more critical tasks are being accomplished first rather than leaving them until the last minute, when they may become rushed or incomplete due to a lack of planning. Additionally, ranking tasks also allows you flexibility if specific deadlines shift due to external factors such as the availability of resources or materials required, etc.       


In addition, breaking down large projects into smaller subtasks makes them seem easier overall. Doing this also allows us to see progress and reward ourselves once we complete each step – further motivating us to keep going with whatever project we may be working on. Furthermore, it helps us identify what kind of help might be needed along the way and how much time needs to be devoted to each step.            


Finally, set small goals for yourself each day. This helps you hold yourself accountable while keeping yourself motivated. Setting daily goals ensures that even if one thing does not get done – such as reading an entire chapter – there are other accomplishments throughout the day that can still feel rewarding. Accomplishing smaller goals gives us the motivation to meet larger ones over time. It's also important not to forget about rewards. Celebrating successes, no matter how small, encourages us to stay productive during downtimes when motivation may be lacking.



Staying focused while learning from home can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be impossible. With these tips in mind, Dennis Bonnen believes students can create an efficient workspace free from distraction and establish regular routines with set priorities that will maximize their productivity. At the same time, they work towards their educational goals. By breaking down large projects into smaller milestones, setting achievable daily goals, and rewarding themselves, students will find themselves better able to manage their workloads efficiently while finding satisfaction in their accomplishments along the way.