Canine Care: Don't Buy Dog Food Without Reading This First

It's no secret that you've got a broad range of choices when deciding what to feed your dog. You can get dog food from various brands, in different packaging sizes, and aimed at specific breeds or ages.

The trouble is, how do you know which food you should be feeding your canine companion? After all, one brand or type of dog food might be suitable for a relative or friend's dog, but that doesn't mean it's also okay for yours.

The following tips and tricks will help you select the right food for your dog:

Consider Your Dog’s Food Intolerances

The first thing you need to do is think about the foods or ingredients that your dog cannot consume due to food intolerances. Dogs are like humans in that they can also find it impossible to eat certain ingredients without feeling very ill.

If you've had your dog for a while, you should know which things will make your canine companion feel unwell. Alternatively, have your vet run some tests on your dog to confirm what shouldn't get eaten.

Don’t Buy Food With Questionable Content

Another thing to keep in mind is scanning through the list of ingredients on any dog food you purchase, whether it's healthy Walmart fresh dog food or a budget pack of dry dog food.

You would expect to see a lot of healthy ingredients like vegetables and some meat or fish. However, some dog food manufacturers often add ingredients like ash or other questionable items to the composition of each product.

Avoid dog foods with such ingredients, and stick with ones that only have the right ingredients to support your canine companion's health and wellbeing. SuperFood Complete premium dog food from companies like Badland Ranch is a prime example of the latest trend in products that look to preserve a comprehensive nutritional profile for your dog.

Determine Whether Wet Or Dry Food Is Best

Some dogs love dry dog food, whereas others may prefer wet varieties.  

There's technically no reason why you can't mix the two, but it's best to avoid doing so because you may end up feeding your pet dog too much of a particular ingredient or cause them to go over their daily vitamin and nutrient allowances.

If you've only just welcomed your dog into your household, experiment with both types to see which one is the prefered version.

Seek Professional Advice From Your Vet

All dogs are different - even those from the same breeds. That's why it makes sense to seek some professional advice about what to feed your dog.

Your veterinarian can weigh your dog and check your canine friend's medical history to determine which foods are best to feed them, based on their professional expertise and experience.

Remember that your vet will know more about dog food ingredients than you, and they'll be aware from a medical perspective which ones are likely to do more harm than good.

Not All Human Food Is Good For Dogs

Lastly, despite some myths, dogs cannot eat everything that humans enjoy. Chocolate, for example, is toxic to dogs and can even be fatal in extreme circumstances. Again, check with your veterinarian for a list of things you eat that your dog cannot consume.