Death Of A Parent- How The Surviving Parent Can Help Kids

The death of a parent is the worst thing that can happen to a child. Thousands of American kids who lose a parent fall prey to mental health issues every year. The kid has to handle stress and depression, while the financial implications can make things worse for the child. But the surviving parent can play a key role in helping the kids deal with the tragedy and get their life back on track. But the responsibility is bigger than you can imagine because you will need to reassure the child and start afresh. Here is some useful advice from American parents who have been through the situation and done it successfully.

Talk openly with the child

Losing a parent is tragic, but it is also a reality that children have to live with. No matter how young the child is, you will have to talk openly and explain the situation to them. Have a clear and simple conversation and explain that it is alright to feel the pain and anguish. Reassure them that you will be there for them, even if life may be different now.

Let them know what to expect and how things may change, but you will make sure that they will be safe and comfortable. While you have this conversation, be ready to listen and handle their reactions. Some kids cry, others ask questions, and yet others may bottle up their emotions.

Explain the rituals

Another aspect of helping your child cope with the situation is to explain the rituals such as the funeral and memorial service. It is the first thing that the child will have to deal with after the parent’s death, and they will probably see it for the first time. It is best to choose a funeral home that handles the entire aspects of the event so that you can be with your children and comfort them during the challenging phase.

For example, if you live in LA, you can look for professional services to arrange the burial or cremation in los angeles on your behalf. You may leave the funeral arrangements to experts, but make sure that the child knows what to expect at the service. Prepare them mentally for the condolences and explain the importance of making the final goodbye beautiful.

Get help for your child

Every child reacts to the situation differently. While some take it in a stride, others may experience issues like sleeplessness, social anxiety and sleep disorders. They need help and it is a parent’s responsibility to get it for them. If you notice the slightest signs of anxiety or depression, counseling can help.

You can join a support group where you and the child can interact with other parents and children going through the same situation. It will give them the courage and strength they need to start living normally.

The journey to rebuild a normal life after losing your spouse is challenging, more so if you have to help your children to deal with the grief. But the right approach and positive reassurance can go a long way in setting things right.