Diagnostic Tests That A Man Over 40 Should Never Ignore

As you grow older, taking a proactive approach towards your health becomes all the more important. And this applies to both men and women because there are certain age-related issues that come into play for both sexes. Regular screenings are vital for detecting diseases at an early stage, even before there are symptoms. Timely detection results in ineffective treatment, which can be life-saving in many instances. If you are a man who has just stepped into his forties, here are some diagnostic tests that you should start taking as a part of your healthcare routine.

Cholesterol tests

High cholesterol is risky and unfortunately, it is incredibly common in older men. Though there are seldom any symptoms associated with the condition, high cholesterol can limit the blood flow through the body and elevate the risk of heart attack or stroke. Experts recommend that men should cholesterol testing done every five years after the age of 40. Those having diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney problems should do it more often.

Blood pressure checks

As you get on the wrong side of the forties, frequent blood pressure checks make sense. This is done at every routine medical visit but your doctor may advise it even before 40 if you have a family history of high blood pressure. Though high blood pressure causes strain on the heart and kidneys, the condition is easily manageable with some positive lifestyle changes. The sooner it is detected, the earlier you can implement these changes!

Prostate checks

Prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia are two of the most diseases in older males, so you need to be extra watchful about them. A test before you turn 50 is recommended though you can take a head start by getting them in your forties. Supplements like ProstaGenix go a long way in curbing the risk of prostate problems, while some healthy lifestyle measures can help too. It is best to keep an eye on your prostate health and resolve issues at the earliest. Visit Golden State Urology: BPH Doctor to get a routine test.

Testicular cancer

Another screening test that can save your life is for testicular cancer. The best part is that it is easily detectable and can be found before it spreads and becomes life-threatening. Lumps or swollen testicles are the early signs of the disease that you should look out for. Still, you must opt for proactive preventive testing after 40 even if you don’t have any symptoms.


A relatively common condition that men tend to take less seriously is high blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes. But this isn’t something you should overlook because it can have serious effects in the long run, from heart disease to kidney problems, erectile dysfunction, and more. Managing your weight, following a healthy diet and lifestyle, and keeping track of blood sugar can help in addressing the issue effectively.

After you reach the age of 40, you must listen to your body and pay attention to every minor sign and symptom it gives. Being regular with your medical visits is important and so is staying ahead with your diagnostic screenings.