Fashion With Passion Dress With Style: Daddy Edition

A style is a form of individualism combined with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style.

We all make fashion mistakes. Especially men. Most especially dads. Most of them, their concerns are way beyond fashion and style. 'Tis nothing but their daddy duties. A round of applause to all responsible fathers! 

Usually, they like to toss short pants, a t-shirt, and a baseball cap together for their everyday look. That’s not even a bad thing, but, it is too plain and boring. It would be better if kids, look up to you and say, “Dad is so cool.”

Fortunately, this article has some handy dandy tips for daddies. This is about what they should do when it comes to their wardrobe.  

Here are 8 tips to improve your daddy fashion:


While being stylish is a must, you also need to feel comfortable with what you are changing. Knowing your style isn't knowing what you want to wear…it's knowing why you want to wear it.

Dress sharply if you travel a lot and meet new people. Or dress up something that can stand up to manual labor, e.g. working boots and cold clad jeans. 

Or become the classic dresser that wants to wear clothing that's never going to go out of style.

No matter what style, always choose something that’s within your comfort. 


While it’s a generalization, most guys pack on a few pounds when the kids come along. And if you’re on the older side, gaining weight is a ‘charming’ part of the ageing man’s journey. So, stop trying to fit into pre-father clothing or be a slim-fit. There’s nothing worse than seeing a guy who’s very fashion-conscious. But, it is not definitely in shape and wearing clothes that are too small. Go a size up.


Being fashionable doesn’t mean spending your entire savings for a good pair of suits. No, you can still be fashionable while on tight budget, yet, it will only cost you a dollar or two. Instead of worrying how to get cheap stuff, invest on something that matters and can serve a few purposes. 

Try a few different labels – either luxury and high-street or from cheap store inside the mall. Anything is okay, as long as you wear it with an attitude and class, anything will look expensive. Besides, you’re not dressing to show off the tag. 

Definitely, invest wisely! 


It is an undeniable fact that most dads only know colors within black, grey & white. Anything, outside that is a big “No. No.”

Less is still better when it comes to color. You need a bit of it, in one garment. Color can be timeless too. Green, mustard or brightest shades of blue, even pink will look good on any men. Whether it’s on casualwear or formalwear, indulge in a bit of color.


Becoming a father doesn’t hinder anyone from wearing a suit. You can attend to your place or having an intimate dinner date with your family by wearing a suit. Suit can make you look classic if you wear it with justice. (Lol!) 

To achieve such look, buying a suit isn’t enough. You have to know how to wear it properly to look good.

The trick is to find a piece that both compliments your complexion and enhances your figure. A suit is a uniform. The idea is to think of the suit as a canvas on which you create various ideas of individuality. It’s the way you wear it, not the label inside, that impresses.


Watches. Invest in watches that at first glance, can make anyone go “Wow, that looks expensive.” Even if it’s not, no one needs to know. Looks can be deceiving, but if you can afford to buy luxury items then God bless you! 

Also, choose it because you love it, not because you think it might make money.   

Watches are personal, marking your path through time. But you have to be practical as well.

Simple, functional, durable sports models go with everything. And this can handle the tough knocks of everyday wear. There is always a watch that suits you. It should feel comfortable on your wrist, that’s one thing.   

Another accessory that has become a trendy thing right now are earrings for men. It has become a fashion statement, that adds attitude to your whole look. Plus, there are various earring designs that you can wear for different occasions. If you want something a little simpler, why not look up the best men’s bracelets this year?  


For most men, shoes are like the equal of the “love of my life.” They stock most of their pride in the sole, thus make choosing if it looks good or a not a million-dollar question.  

Timelessness is about simple design and with shoes, all the more so. Opt for classic styles such as broguesLoafers, or a plain sneaker. The comfort your shoes may give you is what matters.   



Becoming a father and having a family, means you can’t go out to party most of the time. And by party, I meant club where sneaky girls are your weakness. 

Style is not about self-expression. It is also about being usually dressed for your environment.   

Think of clothes as being codes. You need the right combination to work with the setting that you're in. And that's whether it's a formal dinner or a lazy Sunday in the pub. 


For a party celebration in your workplace:

Avoid bolder styles. But if you preferred it, make sure you can carry it off. Find a collar that works with or without a tie. Also, it should sit nicely under a jacket and choose for a semi-cutaway.

For a family dinner:

Dress casually. Wear jeans, tucked-in polo shirt and boots. Family dinner isn’t about who’s stylish and who’s not. Plus, you’ll less likely to watch over your kids. Dress up something that is comfortable. And, choose the one that you can express yourself.