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Feeling Stressed? Top 5 Easiest Methods To Relax

Stress is the main issue affecting people all over the world in the 21st century. Not only can it lead to various affections, but it will also affect your day-by-day life and activities. The good news is you can relieve stress within minutes only. Online therapy is always a great idea to destress but if you are looking for something faster, here are a few other methods to get rid of stress in no time.


Have some green tea and chocolate 

If you love tea and chocolate, you can mix them up. Otherwise, you can have one or the other. Green tea brings in l-theanine, a chemical that can reduce the stress in your body. Believe it or not, even having a cup of green tea on the desk will give you a feeling of calmness. Its earthy color is relaxing, while a few sips will work wonders. 

Get a couple of squares of dark chocolate too if you love the treat. It will work on your brain health and relieve stress. Furthermore, it has less sugar than classic milk chocolate, yet it can still give you that sweet treat you crave for.


Have a mango 

Make sure you always have mango in your house if you are the type who gets stressed all the time. The tropical fruit is essential in dealing with stressful moments, despite not being the most popular solution out there. 

Take a break from whatever you are doing and peel and slice a mango. The actual peeling activity is quite satisfying. But as you start biting, you will inevitably get a high dose of linalool. This is also the main ingredient in lavender essential oil. You are probably aware of what lavender does against stress – mango has similar properties too.


Squeeze yourself 

If you have a cat, you probably know how it works. The cat will go fully rigid for about a second. It will tense the muscles, then simply relax the whole body. It is like a stretch. You can do the same thing too – the human version, of course. 

This technique is referred to as progressive relaxation. It implies tensing all the muscles in your body before actually relaxing them. You can do it part by part. The whole job should take about five minutes. Even if you do not have so much time, at least focus on the arms, neck, head and shoulders. You will feel much better after.


Acupressure and massages 

Acupressure is like acupuncture, but without any needles. It will stimulate the body. Focus on the area where your neck muscles attach to the skull. There are a couple of divots there. Find them and apply pressure on them for about 10 seconds, then say goodbye to pressure. 

You can also try massaging your hands – ideal if you work on the computer or your job implies using them. You only need a five-minute massage to relieve stress and anxiety. Get your favorite cream on and massage joints, but also go between fingers. Clench your fists, then release them. Feel free to flex the wrists too a few times. You will find yourself much more relaxed after.


Take a walk 

If you have the freedom to leave whatever you are doing, go for a walk. This option is great if you are self-employed or stress hits you out of nowhere while at home. Simply go out and take a walk. First of all, you basically escape the situation that has actually caused stress in the first place. Second of all, a walk is a form of exercise, which will release endorphins in your body – fuzzy feelings as soon as you get out. 

Walking is like meditation, but in a more active manner. Go around the block a few times. Go to a local park or simply get lost without an actual destination. Half an hour will usually put you back on track – longer walks are even better, though.



Bottom line, stress is a common issue these days and it can show up with a reason or out of nowhere. There are more ways to handle it, whether you have the freedom to go for a walk or meditate or you are at work. The above-mentioned tips and tricks can help you overcome the issue within minutes only.