Funeral Planning – What Can You Do Now To Plan For This?

It is a very emotional subject and something that some people may not feel comfortable talking about but ultimately when people pass away, someone will need to step up and ensure that the funeral or cremation takes place.   Unfortunately, in a Covid-19 restriction world, this is even more difficult as some areas are limiting the amount of people that can pay their last respects at these events.  The Funeral Homes & Cremation Services are working hard to try and overcome these obstacles and even include live streaming of services.  Companies such as are a perfect example of a company that is trying its best to maintain a good service around this pandemic.  Below are some things you could do in advance to ensure you funeral is carried out as you wish.


There are many different funding routes for the funeral which could include a family member or similar actually paying for it.  This could also be paid for out of the estate you have.   Some people actually pay for their funeral up front and this is then all in hand.   By doing this, there is no hassle to try and get the money paid for from the estate nor does it mean others need to pay for it.   It gives complete peace of mind.  There are ways to pay this all up front or ways to pay this up in instalments.

Funeral or Cremation Choices

Some people have very strong views on whether or not they are cremated or buried.  Some of these views may also depend on religious beliefs.  There is no right or wrong answer to this and it is a matter of personal choice.   To make sure that this is completed correctly it is important to make sure that your method is well known to people or even placed in the will.  This will then allow your specific wish to be carried through with.

Funeral Details

There are many different things that people would like completed at their own funeral and it is important that this is also known about.  This can include things such as the songs played, any special words to read out or even any messages to people.  These can all be placed in the will so that it is clear. 


The will is probably one of the most powerful documents that people refer to once someone has died.  Within this document it can have the details of what happens in terms of the funeral but also what happens in terms of giving people your belongings or cash.   It is important to have one of these and update it regularly so that your wishes are well understood and executed.


Preparing for your own death may not be something that is enjoyable to do but it is something that should be thought about to make sure that what you want to be executed, actually is.   Without this preparation, people may not know what to do and how to fund it.